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我们会采用合资、技术转让与自主研发路线!We are going through the joint development, ToT and Swaraj route.

我们对俄罗斯的外交政策一直未变。Our foreign policy towards Russia has always been the same, " Swaraj said."

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印度人民党愿为推动印中友好交流与合作做出不懈努力。The BJP was ready to make unremitting efforts to promote friendly exchanges and cooperation with China, Swaraj said.

王毅和史瓦拉吉都受到代表团的协助,代表团成员包括来自外交部的高级官员。Both Wang and Swaraj were assisted by their delegations which comprised of senior officials from the foreign ministry.

“要让印度认可一个中国的政策,中国应当先重申一个印度的政策,”印度外长斯瓦拉杰说道。"For India to agree to a one-China policy, China should reaffirm a one-India policy, " external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj said.

访问期间,她与中国和俄罗斯的外交部长举行了三方会谈,这是她去年担任外交部长以来的首次正式访问。Swaraj is holding three-way talks with herChinese and Russian counterparts during the trip, her first official visit since she took office last year.

她说,没有整个非洲大陆和有着六分之一人口的印度参与的治理机构如何具有合法性?Swaraj said legitimacy couldn't be expected from a governance structure that excluded the entire African continent and a country which represented one-sixth of humanity.

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“这是一个历史性的决定。我们打算在41年后的今天执行这个协议。很高兴大家都支持这个法案,”印度外交部长如是说。"This is an historic situation. We aregoing to implement the agreement after 41 years. I am happy that everyonesupported the bill, " Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said.

美国国务卿约翰克里和外交部长斯瓦拉吉为印美战略和商业对话揭幕,两人强调了双边关系的优先领域。US secretary of state John Kerry and external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj highlighted the priority areas in bilateral ties as they inaugurated the India-US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue.

中国外长预计会见莫迪总理和斯瓦拉杰外长,熟悉莫迪政府对待邻居的方法。The Chinese foreign minister is expected to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj to familiarize himself with the Modi government's approach towards neighbours.