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贪婪的人永远想要更多。A covetous man is ever in want.

贪婪的人对别人没好处,对自己更有害。A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.

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贪心的人对他潍坊干部学习网人毫无好处,对自己却弊端更大。A covetous ma new great is good to none but worse to himself.

这是拔刀兄第一剑吧!看得让人眼热的那把。It's the first Jian of brother Badao! It makes people covetous.

我比自己的影子更寂静,穿过纷纷扰扰的贪婪。More silent than my shadow, I pass through the loftily covetous multitude.

他抬起头来,一对贪婪的眼光露出馋涎欲滴的神情。He raised his head , with a look of unrestrained greed in his covetous eyes.

太贪求于财富不利于个人健康,尤其是心理健康。Being too covetous for wealth is bad for one's health, particularly mental health.

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民族国家间的战争、个人之间的纷争全都是贪婪的占有欲使然。War among nations and strife among individuals is a result of the covetous spirit to possess.

如果你对那部劳斯莱斯生起喜爱或渴望,你就会感到骄傲、有很强的占有欲或变得贪婪。If you have love or desire for that Rolls Royce you will become proud, possessive or covetous.

这个年轻人接着向女孩投去了贪婪的一瞥,也亲吻了她,而她就变成了一瓶啤酒。The young man then casts a covetous glance at the girl, kisses her and she turns into a bottle of beer.

为了避免成为歹徒觊觎的对象,宾士轿车已不再是有钱人的「最爱」。In order to avoid being the object of the covetous eyes of street punks, the wealthy no longer smile so favorably on the Mercedes.

缦全钱并非如人们有时所说的那样是万恶之源。对金钱的追求一过度的、自私的、贪婪的追求,才是真正的根源。It is not money, as is sometimes said, but the love of money—the excessive, selfish, covetous love of money, that is the root of all evil.

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齐钱并没有是如人们偶然所讲的那样是万恶之源。对款项的寻供一过分的、无公的、贪婪的寻供,才是真正在的本源。It is not money, as is sometimes said, but the love of money—the excessive, selfish, covetous love of money, that is the root of all evil.

然而罪趁著机会、就藉著诫命叫诸般的贪心在我里头发动.因为没有律法罪是死的。But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire. For apart from law, sin is dead.

尤有甚者,更有些愚而富的悭吝之人竟以无子嗣自豪,以为如此他们在别人眼中会更显得富有。Nay more, there are some foolish rich covetous men that take a pride, in having no children, because they may be thought so much the richer.

尤有甚者,有些愚而富的悭吝人竟以无子嗣自豪,以为如此则他们在别人眼中更显得富有了。Nay more, there are some foolish rich covetous men, that take a pride in having no children, because they may be thought so much the richer.

尤有甚者,有些愚而富的悭吝人竟以无子嗣自豪,以为如此则他们在别人眼中更显得富有了。Nay more, there are some foolish rich covetous men, that take a pride, in having no children, because they may be thought so much the richer.

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面对如此徘徊的女性,即使那些有房子的男人也开始动起脑筋,避免碰上那些贪婪无厌极其拜金的女人。With such women on the prowl, even men who do have their own homes have come up with techniques to weed out the covetous and the inordinately materialistic.

小心防备以在你的呼召上努力工作为借口,被吸引去入爱世界和过度担忧,或贪念在世上的高升。Take care against being drawn into earthly mindedness and excessive cares, or covetous designs for rising in the world, under the pretence of diligence in your calling.

银川的布贴画很有名,可以说我们是慕名而来的,他帮我们联系到村子到家里,看我一副贪婪的样子,就总拽我的衣角,哪里顾得上哟。Yinchuan cloth Tiehua is very famous, you can say that we are admiring, he helped us to the village home, I see a covetous look, always pull my clothes, where time to yo.