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小狗在拖鞋上啃了一个洞。The puppy chewed a hole in the slipper.

她趿拉着她母亲的拖鞋走过去了。She scuffed past in her slippers slipper s.

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他父亲用一只拖鞋进行惩罚。His father meted out punishment with a slipper.

鞋子极其合适地穿在灰姑娘的脚上。The slipper fitted Cinderella’s foot perfectly!

避孕套是我们这代的水晶鞋。The condom is the glass slipper of our generation.

你明白了吗,你是爵爷,就和我的拖鞋一样!See here, you are no more a baron than my slipper is!

丑陋的继姐妹试着挤进玻璃鞋,但是不管她们多么努力The ugly stepsisters tried to squeeze the slipper on but no

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显然,她们的脚实在太大太肥了怎么可能穿得进去呢。Obviously, their feet were too big and fat for the slipper.

那个男孩不管她怎么哀求,还是拿着那只大拖鞋跑开了。The boy ran away with the big slipper though she was begging.

我觉得这是世界上最大的拖鞋。I reckon I must be the owner of the biggest slipper in the world.

相比人们的水晶鞋梦,凯特却颠覆了这种观念。Slipper dream compared to the people, Kate has overturned that idea.

在各种不同的版本里,最有名的一个区别就是“水晶鞋”。A famous difference in many versions of the story is the "glass slipper."

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天上所有的地子跟邦王皆跪在她的眼前,争先恐后地吻她的鞋子。And all the emperors and kings were kneeling before her kissing her slipper.

父王,那位我想要娶她为妻的女孩,就是可以穿下这只鞋的女孩。Father, the only girl I want to marry is the one who can fit into this slipper.

狡猾的苍蝇用嘴唇夹住遮挡他视线的滑拖鞋。With its lips the sly fly clipped the slippery slipper that eclipsed his sight.

奸刁的苍蝇用嘴唇夹住遮拦他眼看东西假想线的滑趿拉儿。with his lips the sly fly clipped the slippery slipper that eclipsed his sight.

第二天,王子带着这只水晶鞋挨家挨户地寻找那个神秘的姑娘。The next day, the Prince took the slipper to every house to find the mysterious girl.

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而是要发表我们对当代人追求水晶鞋梦的见解。But to express our people to pursue the glass slipper of contemporary views of dreams.

哼哼这可是今年最前卫穿法,一直帆布鞋,一只拖鞋…Yeah this year the latest fashion, one foot is in a running shoe, another in a slipper.

这种鞋融合了传统芭蕾平底舞鞋和终极高跟的造型。This shoe merges the look of the traditional ballet slipper with the ultimate high heel.