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CTF将帮助克服障碍CTF Will Help Surmount Barriers

他们登上一块又一块的峭壁。They surmount one crag after another.

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我们能克服那么多的障碍。we were able to surmount so many obstacles.

只有不断超越自我,方以先人一步。Only surmount oneself constantly can set the pace.

包壳,镶嵌,仿佛用一层外壳覆盖或镶饰。Encrusted , to cover or surmount with or as if with a crust.

我们得克服许多困难才能着手做这项工作。We had many problems to surmount before we could start the project.

我们每个人可以和别人不一样,但是必须要有不输于别人的一样的坚强!Make the different in oneself the same to others even surmount others.

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学会攀岩后,艾达终于克服了恐高症。Ada was able to surmount her fear of heights by learning to rock climb.

是否在高原攀爬时遇上了麻烦,现在进一步提高才能征服它?Are you stuck in a performance plateau and need a boost to surmount it?

⊙、下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利!Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory!

下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory.

假如你对你的选择布满信心,而且不超越誓不罢休。If you are right your choice is confident, and do not surmount swear not to stop.

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其对于道学义理之发扬,则是存乎注文、传文当中,未尝敢凌驾于经典圣言之上。He propagates the truth in the annotated text, doesn't dare to surmount the classics.

我也相信爱可以排除万难。只是,万难之后,又有万难。——张爱玲。I also believe that love can surmount every difficulty. Just, after all, have never agree.

座舱盖数控样件是洪都航空工业集团的重点攻关项目。The canopy sample is the important and surmount subject of Hongdu Aviation Industry Group.

在心底里我爱着三个人,我老婆占着无法超越的比重。I love three people, the wife am accounting for the proportion which is unable to surmount.

总而言之,苦修能够教给我们如何勇敢地、微笑地克服艰难与困苦。To sum up, penance teaches us to surmount hardships and difficulties willingly and cheerfully.

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金属中的电子必须克服这个势垒层才能进入半导体。Electrons from the metal will have to surmount the potential barrier to enter the semiconductor.

第五章主要就如何克服和避免非制度化现象而展开。Chapter five mainly proceeds with how to surmount and avoid the non- institutionalized phenomena.

但在随后召开的第五轮会谈中,当事国依然难以跨越承诺与行动的矛盾。But in the fifth talk, the interested parties have not surmount the obstacle of their promises and action.