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哦,亲爱的,那是舷窗!Oh dear, that's the porthole.

她强从舷窗挤过去。She jammed herself through the porthole.

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丹在自己的船舱里朝舱外凝视着。Dan was in his cabin, staring out of a porthole.

我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds.

请把特别房舱门窗关好。Shut the stateroom door and the porthole , please.

天窗和舷窗都要盖好,并旋紧铁盖。Sky light and porthole and metal covers to be closed.

而朱莉酒吧有着曲线的墙面和舷窗般的窗户。And Bar Zilli, with its curved walls and porthole windows.

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很独特的床口地毯拖鞋,在上面还有按照拖鞋性质剪出的小孔。Cool bedside rug with porthole cut outs for your matching slippers.

然后倒回到舷窗里和返回到你的出发点。Then walk back into the porthole and back out to your starting point.

“这有点像通过潜水艇的舷窗往里看,”施尼策尔说。"It's a bit like looking through a porthole in a submarine, " said Schnitzer.

在舷窗之外的运动引起他的注意,而且他结束闲逛带神情。Movement outside the porthole caught his eye, and he strolled over to take a look.

然后,他将这捆东西塞进竖井地底的一个小金属孔道中。Then, he stuffs the whole bundle into a small metal porthole in the base of the silo wall.

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舷窗内盖一种坚固的百叶窗或厚金属板,系在船的舷窗上或船窗玻璃上,用在暴风雨的天气中。A strong shutter or plate fastened over a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather.

塞住排水管孔道的那个塑料袋被拉了出来,水从孔道中排了出去。The plastic bag dislodges from the porthole in the wall and the water drains from the room below him.

洁净的浮冰有些有汽车那样大,有些是直立着的,在极地凌晨鬼魅般的晨光中从舷窗外飘过。Neat, frosted slabs the size of cars, some upright, passed by the porthole in the ghostly early-hours light.

他把头靠在舷窗上,在窗子和座位之间垫上一个枕头。He put his head against the porthole window, wedging a pillow into the crack between the window and the seat.

每深入一英里,观察窗的外层就会在六英里海水的压力下压碎。With more than a mile to go, the outer layer of a porthole cracked under the pressure of six miles of sea water.

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杨利伟说当他听到这种声音时他非常紧张,靠近舷窗试图找出原因。Yang said he was very nervous when he heard the sound, and moved close to the porthole to try to find out the cause.

他们住在宝瓶座内,他们在实验室中运行试验和探索舷窗外窗的蓝色深处。They live inside Aquarius, and they run experiments in the lab and explore the blue depths outside the porthole windows.

在返航途中,国民党王牌飞行员白云飞的目光透过飞机舷窗俯视大地,回忆起他的过去。Returning to base in road, the look of Bai Yunfei of Kuomintang ace air man passes through earth of plane porthole look down at, memory has his past.