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身影便出现在了妇产科外面。The figure then appears at gynecology outside.

北京龙城妇科专家如是说。Beijing Dragon City Gynecology department experts said.

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文章介绍三例妇科验案。The article introduced three proved cases in gynecology.

妇产科学是一门独特的临床学科。Gynecology and Obstetrics is a special clinical department.

做人流为什么选择西安慈爱妇产医院?Why choose to do stream of people Beijing gynecology hospital?

检查结果她只有轻度的妇科炎症。Inspection results of her only mild inflammation of gynecology.

淮北市哪家妇产科医院好?Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Huaibei City, Which is good?

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急诊处暂留床含妇产科诊所之床数。Emergency Room Beds include beds of Obstetrics & Gynecology Clinics.

论述时辰钟在中医妇科诊治中的意义。This paper deals with the significance of the chronoclock in gynecology.

他在内科、外科、妇科、小儿科方面都很精通。He was proficient in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and pediatrics.

疏风散热,定惊镇静,治小儿夜啼,惊痫抽搐及妇科等症。Enhance immunlty, sedation, can treatment baby night cry, and gynecology disease.

后来,因为产科与妇科学的发展,大多数的妇女开始在医院生产。Later with advances in obstetrics and gynecology most women gave birth in hospitals.

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而且也为妇科疾病的产生创造了条件。And has also created the condition for the gynecology department disease's production.

该文就角质细胞生长因子在妇产科的研究进展进行综述。In this review, we summarized progress in research on KGF in gynecology and obstetrics.

对五运内容进行了介绍,探讨五运在妇科临床的指导意义。This paper presents the clinical significance of five element evolutions in gynecology.

目的讨论妇科剖腹术时施阑尾内翻术的可行性及应用价值。Objective To discuss the feasibility and application of inverted appendectomy in gynecology.

世纪坛医院妇产科主任医师于莎莎说。Millennium Monument, director of obstetrics and gynecology hospital Physicians in Sa Sa said.

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那么怎么样从白带的性状上判断是什么妇科疾病引起的呢!How then the judgment is any gynecology department disease causes from the leucorrhea character!

这是我一生中在夜阑人静时却要集中精神工作的开始,那是个妇科病房,也与一个产前房相连。It was my first night duty worked in a gynecology ward which connected with the ante- natal ward.

能有机会结交妇产科学和内分泌学的中国同僚,我喜不自胜。I was very happy to be here with Chinese colleagues working in our field of gynecology and endocrinology.