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罟我知道了。I see.

见见她。See her.

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我会看着办。I'll see.

我看到希望。I see hope.

我见到光了!I see light!

我看到力量。I see power.

好的,到时见。Ok, see you.

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不看任何丑恶?See no ugly?

来看阿嬷!Come see her.

我看到活力。I see energy.

回头见,亲爱的!See you,dear!

我们走着瞧吧。We shall see.

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我可以看她一眼吗?Can I see her?

我都看不透。I see through.

回头见!See you later!

在那儿见吧!See you there!

嗯——嗯,我明白了。Uh-huh, I see.

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我们能见她吗?Can we see her?

我能看见他们。I can see wiem.

我看见那颗星星了!I see the star!