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我的工作一件件都堆起来了。My work keeps piling up.

码头上易腐烂的货物堆积如山。Perishable goods are piling up at the docks.

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这面墙是用浮岩垒成的。The wall was built by piling up pumice stones.

桩工机械是一种小型起重机械。Piling Machinery is a small lifting appliances.

小男孩正在搭积木。The little boy is piling up his building blocks.

我认为他们蜂拥而上并非因为我是女的。I don't think they're piling on because I'm a woman.

站立的人前仆后继,叠在他人身上。All the people who were standing fell over , piling up on.

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茶叶销售实现连锁经营,批零兼营。Tea sales to achieve chain operations, Piling and has sold.

水文工作者在码头桩上用数字标明水深。The hydrologist figured the water depth along a wharf piling.

就到了期中考试,实验室也开始人满为患,that's when midterms and labs and whatnots starts piling up.

她将碟子以惊人的速度放到干燥木板上,尽管它们大部分还残留这油渍。She was piling dishes on the draining-board at a terrific rate.

变径灌注柱是一种新的制极方法。Diameter-transformed perfusion piling is a kind of new technics.

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我起头谎上加谎,就像搭积木一样。I just started piling on lie after lie. It was like setting up Jenga.

文章介绍了气动夯锤打桩的施工方法。This paper presents the construction method of pneumatic rammer piling.

谁工作松懈。你会看到成堆的垃圾或者很奇怪的事情。who is really slacking. You notice dirt piling up or just weird things.

我叫了土豆泥了。珍妮,你的信全堆这儿呢。I call Dibs on mashed potatoes. Hey. Jen, your mail's been piling up here.

这些可以用于任何堆的建设和使用任何普通的打桩方法。These can be used in any piled building and with any common piling method.

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设计了一种新型叠加式力标准机的控制系统。A new control system for the piling type force standard machine is designed.

如果你发现自己长肉了,不妨买套新餐具。If you find yourself piling on the pounds, try buying a new set of crockery.

不过即便是银行现在也正面临着一个“难以评估的资料越堆越高”的状况。But even banks are facing a world in which hard-to-assess data are piling up.