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我们将这种模式称为功能主义。We can call this mode "functionalism".

有没有人考虑更多的职能的缺点?Can anyone think of any more shortcoming of functionalism?

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形式主义和功能主义可以对话吗?。Can Formalism and Functionalism Communicate with Each Other?

随后,对功能主义的认识成为了决定因素。Later his encounter with functionalism would be the deciding factor.

在此情况下,功能论显然面对了严重的困难。If so, it is obvious that functionalism do have serious difficulties.

徳国的翻译功能派正是代表这一研究趋势。German school of functionalism in translation studies represents the trend.

用它来解释蛮族社会,就会有一个新的视角。There is a new visual angle if you translate the primitive society by functionalism.

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本文则主要评述迪尔凯姆法社会学思想中的功能主义分析。This text mainly comments the functionalism analysis in Durkheim's law-sociology thought.

作为美国机能主义心理学派的创始人之一,詹姆斯在国内外享有盛誉。He gains great compliments as one of the founders of functionalism psychology school home and aboard.

功能主义是理解第二次世界大战后欧洲一体化的重要理论之一。Functionalism is one of the major theories to understanding European integration after the World War Two.

Malinowski的功能主义不能解释文化差异,这被人们所诟病。The major objection to Malinowski's functionalism is that it cannot readily account for cultural variation.

得益于人类学功能主义和法律社会学的学理进路,法律多元成为颇具涵括性的视角。According to the theory of functionalism of Anthropology and legal sociology, we can use Legal pluralism as the solutio.

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默顿批评了传统功能主义的不足,提出了所谓价值中立的功能分析模式。Merton criticized the defeats of traditional functionalism , and posed the so-called value-free functional analyzing pattern.

文章仅对构造主义、机能主义、行为主义、流派对当今运动心理学的影响做简单的阐述。In the essay, I just expound the influences of constructivism, functionalism and behaviorism or present sporting psychology simply.

新功能主义是描述欧洲一体化的一个有用的分析工具,它又在很大程度上塑造了欧洲一体化。Neo functionalism is a useful method to analyse European integration and also shapes the European integration process to some extent.

水晶宫因第一届世博会而千古留名。其建筑风格是18世纪后半期以来“功能主义”的代表作。The first world expo has brought world fame to the Crystal Palace, which represents the masterpiece of functionalism in the late 18th century.

功能主义在西方教育史研究中占有独尊的地位,它规范着教育史研究的框架并指导着它的方向。Functionalism dominates the studies of educational history in the western countries and it determines the framework of educational history studies.

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在我国的工业化中,我们认为必须引进现代主义的基本原则,像功能主义及对新技术的应用。We believe that the fundamental principles of Modernism, such as its functionalism and use of new technology, must be followed in our industrialization.

而机能主义心理学却是在詹姆斯实用主义心理学思想的影响下形成的。本文就詹姆斯的实用主义心理学思想做简要述评。Due to the functionalism is formed under the influence of James' pragmatic psychology, thus this paper gives a brief comment on his pragmatic psychology.

因而,图灵的理论从正面对功能主义产生了影响,而塞尔从不同角度对功能主义提出了挑战。Thus, the Turing's theory has the positive influence to the functionalism, but Searle proposed challenge from the different aspects to the functionalism.