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这一支柱将会消逝。That prop will go.

不要把脚翘那么高。Don't prop your feet up.

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钱能支起你的头来吗?Money would prop up your head?

用砖块顶住大门使其关不上。Prop the gate open with a brick.

真理能树,不靠支持。Truth will stand without a prop.

他被装入真子弹的道具手枪打死。He was shot by a misloaded prop gun.

用这张椅子撑著门,使它打开。Use this chair to prop the door open.

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同样的,财政政策也可以提供支持。Equally, fiscal policy will be a prop.

竹业是顺昌县支柱产业。Bamboo industry is a prop one in the county.

我们必须用一根木柱子撑住屋顶。We had to prop up the roof with a wooden post.

他是这孩子的支柱,孩子又是他的动力。He was that child's stay, and she was his prop.

自负令人膨胀,却不能使他挺起腰杆。Conceit may puff a man up, but never prop him up.

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它使用的锥齿轮转交权力交给道具。It used bevel gears to transmit power to the prop.

他不能总指望同事们支持他。He can't always expect his colleagues to prop him up.

如果prop8A通过,你可以跟任何一个人上床。If prop 8A passes, you can sleep with whoever you want.

几乎每一件道具都按照原来的尺寸真实再现。Nearly every prop used in the show is an exact replica.

骄傲自满可以使一个人膨胀起来,但永远也不会支撑住他。Conceit may puff a man up, but it can never prop him up.

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船舵阳极,支柱螺帽阳极,更换支柱阳极。Rudder Anodes, Prop Nut Anodes, Replacement Prop Anodes.

诸多钢梁和金属网支撑着正在塌陷的诸多钢梁和金属网支撑着正在塌陷的斜坡。Steel beams and metal netting prop up collapsing slopes.

然后她会带回来一个道具男或别的人去她的帐蓬。Then she’d bring back a prop man or whoever to her tent.