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没有车驶过。No cars rolled by.

他滚了一个雪球。He rolled a snowball.

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他把地图卷了起来。He rolled up the map.

于是人们把它卷了起来。Instead it is rolled up.

天鹅又游回来了。Spring rolled round again.

她穿上长统袜。She rolled her stocking on.

启动回滚后的节点。Start the rolled back nodes.

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这位老人步履蹒跚地向我走来。The old man rolled up to me.

一个男人把窗子摇下“快,进来!”A man rolled down his window.

那个醉汉蹒跚地向我走来。The drunkard rolled up to me.

波涛滚滚涌上海滩。Waves rolled in on the beach.

我在手掌里翻转着那块石头。I rolled the stone in my palm.

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球从桌子上滚下来了。The ball rolled off the table.

醉汉摇摇晃晃地回家了。The drunkard rolled back home.

汗水顺着我的脖子往下滴。The sweat rolled down my neck.

他把粘土揉成一个球。He rolled the clay into a ball.

他用双手把泥坯滚成一个球。He rolled the clay into a ball.

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岩石沿着山坡滚下来。Rocks rolled down the hillside.

钢轧成了钢板。The steel rolled out in plates.

波涛汹涌象山一般高。The waves rolled mountain high.