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夏季为本病的发病高峰季节。The peak of the incidence was in summer.

评估Hib发病率的工具Tools for assessing the incidence of Hib

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永久性低钙血症的发生2例。The incidence of permanent hypocalcemia is 2.

PONV的定义是否影响其发病率?Can the definition of PONV affect its incidence?

闸北区伤害标化发生率为41。The standardized incidence rate of injury was 41.

结核性黏液囊炎发生率非常低。The incidence of tuberculous bursitis is very low.

结果利川市成年女性尿失禁的总患病率为29。The incidence of female urinary incontinence was 29.

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令人痛苦的是,肝癌的发生率还在上升。Distressingly, the incidence of liver cancer went up.

西部的州有更高的自杀发生率。Western states have the highest incidence of suicide.

大蒜素可以降低某些肿瘤的患病率。Allicin could restrain incidence of some cancer cells.

行单侧甲状腺腺叶次全切除术患者为10例。The incidence of one side subtotal thyroidectomy is 10.

二叶主动脉瓣感染性心内膜炎的发生率较高。The incidence of infective endocarditis is relatively high.

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目的探讨武威市胰腺癌发病特征及其流行趋势。Objective To study the feature of pancreas cancer incidence.

又只有肺炎双球菌有明显的春季流行颠峰峯。Only pneumococcal meningitis had a peak incidence in spring.

真胃变位的发生以2~4胎次的奶牛发病率最高。The highest incidence of AD was observed from 2 to 4 parity.

黄河故道一带也是发病率较高的地区。Also the incidence in the former Yellow River vally was high.

每发生逃学事件都会影响公民的信用。Each incidence of truancy will impact the citizenship credit.

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发生这样的变故,熊阔海和于挺异常震惊。Happen XiongKuo sea and incidence in pretty abnormal shocked.

WMC的发生率随着年龄的增长而增加。The incidence of WMC at each brain region increased with age.

建立白勺VISAR斜入射测试技术是可行白勺。VISAR testing technology with slanting incidence is feasible.