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我们可以从这些东西中推理出什么呢?Can we deduce anything about those?

我们可以推断这段代码所做的事情么?Can you deduce what this chunk does?

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你到底是怎么推演出来的?How in the world did you deduce that?

䄑翱爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。Love soaked in paper, deduce sadness.

但是让我用另一种方法来推导一下But let me deduce that in another way.

爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。英文签名带翻译。Love soaked in bracer, deduce sadness.

多彩多姿的人生,演绎出了生命的颜色。Colorful life, deduce the color of life.

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在平凡中演绎着永恒。Deduce the abyss of time in the banality.

根据该列表,我们能推论短语和近似度。From this, we could deduce phrases and proximity.

一件事情是推断有多少钱流入。It is one thing to deduce how much money is coming in.

你们必须掌握推导这类问题的方法This is the kind of thing you should be able to deduce.

根据这些证据,我们推论他是有罪的。On the basis of the evidence we deduce that he is guilty.

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在其它情况下,你会推导出其它的定律If it's something else, you will have to deduce another law.

诙谐的月光,陪我演绎星空下的哀伤。The witty moonlight, deduce sadness under the stars with me.

我们会去做一些可以,推断出新种类的信息的东西。We want to have things that deduce new kinds of information.

在弹簧这个例子里,这就是你推导出来的定律In the case of a spring, this is the law that you will deduce.

提出了这类化合物的稳定构象。We could deduce that the stable conformations of the compounds.

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你能推出这个结果因为车厢在朝反方向运动You can deduce it because the carriage is moving the other way.

程序性知识是,对推论过程的描述。Imperative knowledge is a description of how to deduce something.

从时间上说,我推测现在大概是三点半。Timewise, I deduce that the time is approximately half past three.