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理性的,有条不紊的一个方法。A way of thinking rationally and methodically.

他井井有条地整理、弄直了领带,严肃的脸上显示出了决心。He methodically straightens his tie, his jaw set in a stern resolution.

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作为俱乐部的骨干力量,她们将俱乐部的日常事务整理的井井有条。As the backbone of the club, they neatened the trifle affairs methodically.

作为俱乐部的骨干力量,她们将俱乐部的日常事务整理的井井有条。As the backbone of the club, they neatened the triffle affairs methodically.

自从2008年的时候败给了麦凯恩先生之后他就一直在有条不紊的准备再战。Since losing to Mr McCain in 2008 he has prepared methodically to run again.

他说,嫌疑犯看起来是在有条理地切割着受害者的身体。He said the suspect appeared to be methodically cutting into the victim's body.

唯有这样,市场经济才能够有序、有活力,低成本、真和谐。Only in this way can market economy develop methodically actively in low cost and in harmony.

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而玛嘉却惊奇地看着她哥哥爱因斯坦能有条不紊地搭起14层纸牌高楼。Maja watched in wonder as her brother Albert methodically built his card buildings to 14 stories.

警察们井然有序地走向尸体,确保案发现场不被破坏。The officers moved methodically toward the body, making sure they did not disturb the crime scene.

我有条不紊地解释为什么每个线索都透露得太多,我丈夫就尽职地划去一些词。As I methodically explained why each clue revealed too much, my husband dutifully crossed out the words.

它们经由通风系统偷偷溜进大楼,从输送管井然有序地到处移动。They infiltrated the building through the ventilation system and methodically moved throughout the ducts.

他用一个茶盘,很整齐地装着一个小泥茶壶和四个比咖啡杯小一些的茶杯。Methodically he arranges a small pot and four tiny cups, usually smaller than small coffee cups, in a tray.

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巴尔的摩小马队抓住这次机会,有条不紊的控制着比赛,13次进攻前进了80码。Seizing the opportunity, Baltimore’s offense methodically controlled the ball and moved 80 yards on 13 plays.

一支马来西亚的救援队伍进入了靠北部的木鱼镇。A Malaysian rescue team in the town of Muyu, further north, sifted slowly and methodically through the wreckage.

而后,飞船有条不紊地追逐并杀死了底下的星球表面每一个虫子似的生命。After that, the ships methodically hunted down and killed each of the insect-like creatures on the surface below.

朝着不断改善的目标,自觉地有条不紊地向着您最需要的积极方向努力吧。Aim for constant improvement and consciously and methodically work towards positive change where you need it most.

一个红点在地板图饰上分明地显现出来,在标有“公共厕所”的房间有条不紊地闪烁着。The red dot was clearly visible on the floor plan overlay, blinking methodically in a room marked TOILETTES PUBLIQUES.

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这样,管理员即可更系统地确定应该保留和删除的对象。This allows administrators to more methodically determine which object should be retained and which should be deleted.

伴随湖人年轻球员的成长,米奇库普切克有条不紊的在目标指引下重新调整阵容。Along with the improvement of the Lakers younger players, Mitch Kupchak methodically re-worked the roster under the radar.

哈德利和摩尔特正在用警棍有条不紊的痛殴伯格斯,并往死里踢他的要害部位。It's Hadley and Mert methodically and brutally pulping Bogs with their batons, and kicking the shit out of him for good measure.