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你们两睡前小喝一杯了?Did you two have a nightcap?

记住,你的睡帽有价。Remember, your nightcap has a price.

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也许你愿意睡前和我一起喝一杯?Perhaps you would join me for a nightcap?

为结束这场对话,我要来了我的睡帽。So I put an end to it by calling for my nightcap.

我们戴上睡帽上床睡觉,一天的生活结束了。We had a nightcap before bedtime to round off a perfect day.

当完成了所有的清理工作后,可以一起散散步,再一起喝杯咖啡或者一起品味葡萄酒。After the clean up, go for a walk followed by coffee or a nightcap.

就算我在这里,你也没有理由不喝睡前酒。There's no reason why you shouldn't have your nightcap even if I am here.

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我们再去观光电梯里亲热一番,再到酒吧喝一杯怎么样?What's say we fog up that glass elevator again and grab a nightcap in the bar?

在黄杨木咖啡厅饱餐一顿后还能到蓝色吧喝杯睡前饮料。Blue Bar a perfect place for a nightcap after enjoyable dinner at the Boxwood Cafe.

因此,如果你渴望拥有一个更好、更健康的睡眠,也。So if you're looking for better, more healthful sleep, maybe avoid the nighttime nightcap.

睡前一杯酒可能会帮助你入睡,但是,酒精会影响你的睡眠质量。A "nightcap" might help you get to sleep, but alcohol keeps you in the lights stages of sleep.

享受传统的英国茶一下午,晚餐前喝,或在酒店的酒吧喝酒。Enjoy a traditional English tea any afternoon, pre-dinner drink, or nightcap at this hotel bar.

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而在隔壁由欧洲数字文人论坛DLD举办的酒会则是热火朝天,人满为患。Next door, the nightcap staged by DLD, the European forum for digerati, was packed and rocking.

睡觉前喝点酒让他早晨醒来更困难,所以下午7点以后他不再饮酒。Having a nightcap before bed made it difficult to wake up in the morning, so he avoided alcohol after 7 p.m.

但是联盟决定增加两场后面的比赛,为勇士队新主教练马克杰克逊的睡帽增添一点亮色。But the league decided to add two later games, with the nightcap featuring Mark Jackson's debut as Warriors coach.

睡前喝酒或许会帮你身心放松,更快入睡,但也会让你在睡眠周期的后半程感到焦躁不安,睡眠质量难以令人满意。Even though a nightcap may help you relax and fall asleep faster, it'll make the second half of your sleep cycle restless and unsatisfying.

在下午以四比三,晚上以五比二在阿灵顿游骑兵主场打败游骑兵,也许好事开始找上洋基了。After topping Texas, 4-3, in the afternoon and 5-2 in the nightcap at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, maybe things are really starting to look up for the Yankees.

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季莫欣因腿上的伤疼得未能入睡,两眼盯着这个奇怪的身影——身穿白衬衫和短上衣,头戴套发帽的少女。Timohin, in pain from a wound in his leg, was not asleep, and gazed, all eyes, at the strange apparition of a girl in a white night-gown, dressing-jacket, and nightcap.

任何有点想出风头的人都可以戴上有褶边的睡帽,躺在完全处在邻居视野内的铁床上,旁边再放上一把椅子、一支蜡烛和“无处不在的门”就更舒服了。Anyone with a slight exhibitionist streak can don a frilly nightcap and stay on this iron bed in full view of the neighbours, with a chair, candle and a "door to nowhere" for comfort.

冬天里,最好是白昼开启窗户,让室内与室外能够气流流通,晚上睡觉时,如果觉得头部怕冷北京按摩,可以选择带睡帽入眠。Winter, it is best day to open the windows to let indoor and outdoor air circulation to sleep at night, if you feel that the head stand the cold, you can chose to take Nightcap sleep.