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英国管属于木管乐器。Cor Anglais belongs to woodwind section.

他获得木管乐器组一等奖。He won first prize in the woodwind section.

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我需要带有一个圆锥孔的单簧木管乐器。I need a single-reed woodwind with a conical bore.

节目单上的第一个节目是木管五重奏。The first item on the program is woodwind quintet.

目前「东风」以木管乐五重奏为主。Eastern Winds appear primarily as a woodwind quintet.

木管五重奏是这次演出的最佳节目之一。The Woodwind Quintet was one of the best turns in the show.

低音单簧管在木管乐组中形成浓重的低音。The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group.

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形状和铜管乐器和木管乐器的各种结构。The shape and structure of all kinds of brass and woodwind instruments.

铜管或木管乐器演奏者可以在演奏时哼唱,用来同时产生两个音调。A brass or woodwind player may hum while playing , to produce two pitches at once.

木管组是由短笛、长笛、双簧管、英国管、单簧管、大管演奏的。The woodwind group is made up of piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, a great play.

好,我们继续,谈谈木管乐器,琳达请上来Okay. Now we're going to go on and talk about a woodwind instrument here so Lynda, come on up.

一种双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度。A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.

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簧片乐器又细分为单簧和双簧乐器,前者如单簧管,后者如双簧管。A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.

弦乐和木管乐器有规则地徘徊于广阔的第三主题,在最后奏出一段最强音。Strings and woodwind steadily wander through the said extensive third theme, attaining at last fortissimo.

陈淘确实是一位杰出人物的领域木音乐,无论是在中国和整个世界。Chen Tao is truly an outstanding figure in the realm of woodwind music, both in China and throughout the world.

低音弦乐展开了急促的主题,并由木管乐器对此句做应答,时而插入令人眩目的法国号乐句。The bass strings have launched the rapid theme that is answered by woodwind with the stunning French horn inserting from time to time.

带有一个圆锥形孔和双簧管吹口的细小的木管乐器,具有三个八度音域和穿透力强而尖利的声音。A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece , having a range of three octaves and a penetrating, poignant sound.

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他与四位同学组成的木管五重奏组早在1995年全国管乐重奏大赛中获得过第3名。In 1995, he established a woodwind band with 4 schoolmates and played woodwind quintet, this won the 3rd of the China Woodwind Instruments Reprising Contest.

赵大和钱二在戏班遇上藤大牙,赵大掩护钱二逃跑,钱二却又折回带赵大躲进了双簧戏班。Zhao and money in up in two fangs cane, zhao big screen money two escape, and the money back into the but again with zhao big hide into the double-reed woodwind existed.

好,很明显,我们刚接触了一些铜管乐器,和木管乐器,而管弦乐队另一个最主要的部分,显而易见,是弦乐器Okay. So obviously we've now seen a little bit of the brass family and the woodwind family, and the other principal section of the orchestra would obviously be the string family.