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它们是计程车。It is taxi.

我乘出租车去。I goby taxi.

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我们打车去。We'll take a taxi.

我们叫辆出租汽车好吗?Shall we call a taxi?

她为我喊来一辆出租车。She called me a taxi.

有出租车招呼站吗?Is there a taxi stand?

看,那有一辆出租车。Look – there’s a taxi.

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停在出租车站牌那边好了。Ands at the taxi stand.

出租车常来吗?Does a taxi often come?

不,我从不坐出租车去。No, I never go by taxi.

我到哪里可乘出租车?Where can I get a taxi?

在哪�能乘到计程车?Where can l got a taxi?

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出租车停靠站在哪里?。Where's the taxi stand?

假设你是个出租车司机。If you're a taxi driver,

出租车停车站在哪里?Where is the taxi stand?

他被恭敬地接进了出租汽车。He was bowed into a taxi.

他被点头哈腰地送上出租车。He was bowed into a taxi.

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可乘出租车又太贵了。But a taxi costs too much.

你坐过出租车吗?Do you ever take the taxi?

他从一辆出租车上被甩了出去。He was thrown from a taxi.