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孩子打秋千在格陵兰。Child swing in Greenland.

格陵兰岛冰融比…Greenland melting faster than expected.

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他们一度曾在格林兰岛上建立基地。They had based on Greenland at one time.

来自格陵兰岛黑尔海姆冰川的冰山Icebergs from Helheim Glacier in Greenland

如果想参观格陵兰岛,那就得靠飞机了。To get around in Greenland you have to fly.

我们去了大宁绿地的树木植物。We went to plant trees in Daning Greenland.

这是欧洲,而这个大大的白点就是格陵兰岛。Here’s Europe. The big white thing is Greenland.

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这也是在最适合在格陵兰搞科研的季节。This is also the season for science in Greenland.

绿岛的大部分是被冰雪覆盖着的。Most of the Greenland is covered with lots of ice.

其他来源,包括尚未开发的格陵兰。Other sources, untapped as yet, include Greenland.

绿地售楼处2,上海,2006年室内。Greenland Sales Center II, Shanghai, 2006 Interior.

绿地样板房办公室,上海,2006年室内。Greenland Office model flat, Shanghai, 2006 Interior.

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对于法罗群岛和格棱兰岛不予以接受。Not applicable to the Faroe Islands and to Greenland.

雷达站设在格陵兰和阿拉斯加。The radar stations are based in Greenland and Alaska.

格陵兰岛的融冰已威胁着海水的上涨。Melting ice in Greenland threatens to raise sea levels.

这笔花销超过了格陵兰的年国民生产总值。That is more than the gross national product of greenland.

他参加了环绕格林兰的试航。He took part in an attempted circumnavigation of Greenland.

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覆盖格陵兰岛的冰大约有几百米厚。The ice covering Greenland is about hundreds of meters thick.

你居住的城镇上的人口数多于整个绿岛的人口数。There are more people in your hometown than in all of Greenland.

七月和八月,格陵兰岛两个巨大的冰块脱落。In Greenland two huge chunks of ice broke off in July and August.