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事事不免有缺点。Everything has its drawback.

最受不了自己哪个缺点?。What's your most unendurable drawback?

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其缺点就是不能被加入书签。The drawback is that it cannot be bookmarked.

帕奎奥的粉丝会争辩说,他们的偶像在对练中有所保留。So what's the drawback of being a fight scribe?

这漆最大的缺点是干得慢。Slow drying is the chief drawback of this paint.

海运最大的缺点是速度慢。Slow speed is the chief drawback of sea shipment.

HDSL的一个缺陷是占用一对电路。One drawback to HDSL is that it takes two circuits.

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双重克税为其最大缺点。Double taxation is a big drawback of C-corporations.

它的缺点是明显的,于是他把它锁进了一个抽屉。Its drawback was obvious, so he locked it in a drawer.

唯一的缺憾是他们只能搭配长裤穿。The only drawback is they can only be worn with pants.

该产品有一个缺点,即它需要数日才能杀死蝗虫。One drawback is that it takes days to kill the locusts.

脚本语言的缺点一直存在于性能方面。The drawback of scripting languages has always been performance.

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住在通衢大道上的最大缺点就是噪声不断。The great drawback to living on a main road is the constant noise.

在城市的海湾区住就是这方面不好。That's definitely the drawback of living in a city in the Bay Area.

局部声明的主要缺点是它们不能重复使用。The main drawback of local declarations is that they prevent reuse.

“泼妇”号最大的缺点就是其巨大的能量消耗。The Virago 's greatest drawback was its voracious power requirements.

但对于奥巴马和他的好莱坞后援团来说,有一个潜在的弱点。But there's a potential drawback for Obama to all this Hollywood love.

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科举考试是为了矫正世卿世禄制的社会弊端而产生。Imperial examination aimed to avoid the drawback of hereditary system.

互联网的缺点就是人们必须得有文化才能使用它。The drawback of the internet is that you have to be literate to use it.

当初被告知只需一个月的退税周期却拖了近半年。They had been told only one month but drag the half-year cycle drawback.