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所以这是max,val函数。So here's max val.

随着偏光镜和最大。With a polarizer and max.

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“来,阿尔。”迈克斯说。"Come on, Al, " Max said.

它调用的是老的max,val函数。It's calling the old max val.

你可以省略的最大参数。You can omit the max parameter.

信号-噪音12分贝马克斯。Signal-to-Noise Level 12 dB max.

迈克斯是来自美国的我得好朋友。Max is my good friend from America.

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你往左边挪动一步,迈克斯。You move a little to the left, Max.

机油加到机油尺最高位。Add oil level to dipstick max level.

麦先生很多年前就喜欢摄影。Max likes photograph for some years.

现在马克斯与玛吉只能孤身作战了。Now Max and maggie only alone combat.

所以这回索尼决定做到极限。So this time Sony took it to the max.

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想想,对,想想我把x和1比较下。Suppose I make it the max of x and 1.

特快专递的最大重量限度是20千克。The max weight of an E. M. S is 20Kg.

可能有两个或三个,最大。There are probably two or three, MAX.

麦斯在能源股里投下巨资。Max invested heavily in energy stocks.

马普学会的斯托金博士说。Stoneking of the Max Planck Institute.

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学院董事会主席马克斯·博伊科。Max Boiko, their Chairman of the Board.

“他们并未打垮我们,”麦克司,艾萨克斯说。"They didn't beat us", said Max Isaacs.

我一天至多抽一包香烟。I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, max.