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妈妈边说边卷起裤脚。Mom say while furl trouser.

你管它叫“裤管泰坦”?You call it the "Trouser Titan"?

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她穿着一身暗黄绿色的衣裤套装。She wore a lime-green trouser suit.

她弯下腰去把卷起的裤脚放下来。She stoops to turn down his trouser ends.

她经常穿裤子西服,穿的很老气。She wore trouser suits a lot, dressed much older.

穿着蛋壳蓝套装和白色凉鞋。an eggshell-blue trouser suit with white sandals.

他从他的裤袋中拉出手帕来。He drew out a handkerchief from his trouser pocket.

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汤溢出来弄脏了他的裤脚。The soup spilled over and stained his trouser legs.

袖子和裤腿在天气炎热时可以取下。Sleeves and trouser legs can be removed in hot weather.

在袖子,衣领和裤子的翻边处有色彩鲜艳的点缀。Sleeves, collars and trouser cuffs are colorfully trimmed.

PROPPER战术多袋长裤不会褪色,起皱或收缩。The Propper Tactical Trouser will not fade, wrinkle or shrink.

要是你母亲看见你的裤子破了,你有好受的。If your mother find your trouser broked, you will get suffering.

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任何设计,如简单的将裤子下摆卷起也算是一种造型。Anything as simple as rolling up a trouser hem counts as styling.

他母亲把他叫住,帮他捲起裤脚。After calling to him to stop, his mother rolls up his trouser legs.

现金柜---以及裤子上装钱的口袋---正显得多余。Cash tills—and trouser pockets— are in danger of becoming redundant.

裤子的底部有维可牢弹力调节带。The bottom of the Trouser has a velcro tab adjustment and is elasticized.

手放在裤兜里,就这样悠闲地走着,思绪飞着。Hands on trouser pocket inside, it is so leisurely walk, thoughts fly with.

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套装????正规女装西裤、半身裙或连身裙套装,即配有外套。Suits??? Formal women's trouser , skirt or dress suit e. g. including jacket.

我打篮球的时候,这东西从我的裤管掉出来了,还粘着血!When I was playing basketball, it dropped through my trouser legs with blood!

“我的枪是一直放在这儿的,”他拎起了左腿的裤管说道。“My gun I keep down here, ” he said, raising the cuff of his left trouser leg.