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我高兴到了极点。I am on top of the wold.

远离家。在我的梦想里。我甚麽都没有。What am i in a wold so far away from home.

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它提供了我一个和平的山地当我思考。It offers me a peaceful wold when I am thinking.

如果它不打折,我是不会买的。If it was not on sale, I wold not have brough it.

闹钟,计算器,日程表,备忘录,世界时钟,自动键盘锁。ALARM, Calculator, Calender, Memo, Wold clock, Keyboard lock.

给他们一片正如你所期望的精彩的成长天地。Give them a wonderful wold to live in, just like you wanted to

他本来还想说出“爱德蒙·唐太斯”这个名字,但伯爵抓住他的手臂,阻止了他。He wold have added "Edmond Dantès, " but the count seized his arm and prevented him.

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这是北京今年的第十场雪,我有幸在临别前再一次见到了北京的雪景。I still remenber how excited when I first saw the white wold in Beijing a few years ago.

我认为了解一下第二次世界大战的历史能使我们更珍惜眼前的幸福。In my opinion, knowing the history of wold war two can make us treasure the happy life more.

乌拉圭回合和世界贸易组织的建立改变了世界贸易体系的性质。The Uruguay Round and the establishment the WTO have shanged the character of the wold trading system.

实际上,就算耶稣基督本人挡住了我的路,我也会和尼采一样,毫不犹豫地像踩死一只虫子一样击倒他。In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I, like Nietzsche, wold not hesitate to squish him like a worm.

你一定在想,他一定跑一下就停了,哪有可能跑完两圈!You must be thinking, he wold surely stop after running a while, there was no way he could finish running two rounds!

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记住,不像屈服了的欧洲,中国是世界上除美俄外唯一真正独立的国家。And mind it, unlike subservient Europe, China is the only truly independent country in the wold besides the USA and Russia.

多塞纳还想要为明年的世界杯搏一搏,因此我们都觉得让他回归意甲是最好的选择。He knew he wasn't playing too many games and he has the Wold Cup in the summer. He prefers to go to Italy to increase his chances.

新的章节,也增加了在黄木樨草分解,偏自相关,长期记忆过程,和卡尔曼滤波。New sections have also been added on the Wold decomposition, partial autocorrelation, long memory processes, and the Kalman filter.

移动设备上的虚拟化意味着在一个带有虚拟分区的智能手机便可以满足用户在工作和个人生活中同时使用。Virtualization on a mobile device wold mean just one smartphone with virtual partitions so people could use it for both for work and their personal lives.

我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类,我认为,在我们短暂的一生中,最好贡献莫过于此了。I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man. I don't know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the wold.

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虽然大多数国家目前实行一种钞票和硬币的货币体系,但在世界不同的地区和不同的的历史阶段,许多各式各样的商品也都充当过货币。Although most countries now use a system of bank notes and coins, many different commodities have been used as money by people in various parts of the wold and various times in history.

提示过频破坏普通野生稻地上部分是该种部分种群发生地方性绝灭的重要原因之一。This indicates that overfrequent destroying the above-ground part of common wold rice might be one of the most important reasons for local extinction of some populations of the species.

它包括一个沃尔德4G网络覆盖人口的百分之98,而如学校和大型企业以及回程和偏远地区的卫星机构用光纤。It wold include a 4G network covering 98 percent of the population, supplemented with fibre to institutions such as schools and large businesses and as backhaul and satellite for remote areas.