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肥东是香港侧田大学的侧田学家。Tung is a justinian of The Justin University of HK.

我们从查士丁尼,原来写在流亡中。We learn from Justinian that the original was written in exile.

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这句话说的是查士丁尼,历史上神秘又著名的人物。This saying refers to Justinian , a mysterious and magnificent figure in history.

查士丁尼也在这次瘟疫中受到了传染,但最后却幸存了下来。Justinian himself was one of the few infected by the plague who, in the end, survived.

这样一种最后的和最著名的试验就是查斯丁尼安的“民法大全”。We have the latest and most celebrated experiment of this kind in the Corpus Juris of Justinian.

第一部分介绍了雅典瘟疫、古罗马五次大瘟疫以及查士丁尼瘟疫的流行概况。The first part expounds the situation of the Athens plague, five plagues of ancient Rome, the Justinian plague.

君士坦丁堡城成为繁荣的文化艺术中心,这是自查士丁尼以来未曾有过的。Constantinople became a cultural and artistic center with a splendor it had not experienced since the time of Justinian.

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对于传染病最早的历史记载是在公元前430年,最早记载的病例之一是贾斯蒂尼安瘟疫。Epidemics are described in historical accounts as early as 430 BC and one of the earliest record is Justinian 's Plague.

拜占廷皇帝查士丁尼在内政外交方面功绩卓著,但他的宗教政策却以失败告终。The Byzantine Emperor Justinian made brilliant achievements in the domestic and foreign things, but his religion policy ended in defeat.

拜占庭皇帝查士丁尼在公元六世纪宣布“根据那些先天而成的法律”空气、流水、海洋和海岸是“所有人所共有的”。The Byzantine emperor Justinian declared in the sixth century that “by natural law” air, running water, the sea and seashore were “common to all”.

尼古拉斯教堂,其中之一更是由东罗马帝国皇帝查士丁尼一世早在公元6世纪,在君士坦丁堡修建的。Thousands of European churches were dedicated to him, one as early as the sixth century, built by the Roman emperor Justinian I, at Constantinople.

狄奥多拉皇后是中世纪早期最具影响力的女性之一,她是查士丁尼一世的妻子和皇后,与其共同治理拜占庭帝国。Empress Theodora was one of the most influential and powerful women in the Early Middle Ages. She was the wife of Emperor Justinian I and joint ruler of the Byzantine Empire.

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现代的建筑,完全地防火,532年由东罗马皇帝尢斯提连建造,由他的皇室建筑师来设计。The present structure, which is entirely fireproof, was built in 532?7 by Emperor Justinian from designs of his imperial architects Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus.

残片中的文字仅仅只有与“格利哥里安手稿”相重合的部分可翻译,这段文字与上诉和诉讼时效有关,具体事宜不详。Only the fragments containing text that overlaps with known parts of the Justinian Code could be translated, and that text deals with appeals and the statute of limitations for an unknown matter.