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使药片融于水中。Dissolve the tablet in water.

那个碑亭是方形的。That tablet pavilion is square.

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把药片放进温水中溶化。Dissolve the tablet in warm water.

哇,这块儿石碑可是有些年头儿。Wow, this stone tablet is quite old.

就像一颗裹着糖衣的毒药。It is like a sugar-coated poison tablet.

阿立哌唑有片剂和口腔崩解片两种。Aripiprazole is in tablet and liquid form.

不过倒有一块南诏德化碑。But there is a Nanzhao Dehua Stone Tablet.

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用于升级或恢复您的平板。Usefull to upgrade or recover your tablet.

导入一个数字化的粘贴板的绘图。Import a drawing using a digitizing tablet.

他能把您的平板变成一个遥控器。It will turn you tablet into a remote control.

用少量软食混合药末。Mix ground tablet in small amount of soft food.

寝室内供有李鸿章灵位。In the bedroom there is a memorial tablet of him.

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那10英寸的平板电脑拿在手上是什么感觉呢?What about the look and feel of a 10-inch tablet?

平板电脑有一些实用的优点。A tablet computer holds some practical advantages.

取1片,每天两次与水在进餐时间。Take 1 tablet twice daily with water at mealtimes.

每片羊奶片蕴含200毫克纯山羊奶粉。Each tablet contains pure goat's milk powder 200mg.

只见盖尔拿着画板,手都已经在发抖。Gail was holding out the tablet in trembling hands.

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上面说了这么多,那么这是一款好平板电脑吗?Having said all of the above, is this a good tablet?

个人电脑图形输入板是个人电脑图形输入板的微软的版本。The Tablet PC is Microsoft's version of a tablet PC.

医药行业使用的药品箱和升降系统。Tablet bin and elevating systems for pharmaceuticals.