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我们将舞于山巅。We Will Dance Atop The Mountain !

一名男子站在出现裂隙的道路上。A man stands atop a fissured road.

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杂技演员骑在独轮车上表演。The juggler performed atop a unicycle.

坐在一个电视卫星天线之上是日光室。A TV satellite dish sits atop a sunroom.

但是美国运通不大可能蝉联道琼斯榜首。But a second year atop the Dow is unlikely.

狗雪橇营安置在阿拉斯加的朱诺冰川的顶上。Dog Sled Camp atop Juneau Glacier in Alaska.

在顶上山,凝视进天堂。Atop the mountains that, into the heavens gaze.

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小悟空继续着他在塔顶的训练。Goku continues his training atop Korin 's Tower.

他们铲除坟上的杂草,再将在坟顶堆上新鲜的土。They weeded the mounds and piled fresh dirt atop.

部分建筑体量坐落在一个石头覆层基座的顶部。A portion of the volume sits atop a stone-clad box.

第五个戴着兜帽的形体,开始在马车上翻滚起来。The fifth hooded shape began to writhe atop the wagon.

地面霜是由雪堤顶上的冰点以下水晶组成。Surface hoar consists of frost crystals atop snowbanks.

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表面白色的部分由雪花晶体组成。Surface hoar consists of frost crystals atop snowbanks.

球根状白色的头在市区路灯上面散发着红光。Bulbous white heads glow atop the downtown street lamps.

开鲁可站在城门上观察着脚下的战场。Kyruk stood atop the gate and surveyed the carnage below.

智利与海地都处于动荡不安的大型地震断层带上。Both Chile and Haiti sit atop large, volatile fault lines.

他在一个巨大塔城最高的塔顶上。He was atop the highest tower of an immense city of towers.

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在以西结书中,伊甸园被描述为是在山顶上。In Ezekiel the Garden of Eden is pictured as atop a mountain.

在黑板的上方是十几副超级英雄们的武打动作图。Atop one blackboard stands dozens of superhero action figures.

大门庭院墙上立着大缸,满满是美丽的仙人掌。Beautiful succulents fill huge Urns atop the entry court walls.