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他抬头一看,面露怒容。He glanced up with a scowl.

她以怒视回报我的微笑。She answered my smile with a scowl.

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那长下巴的胖圆脸皱起了眉头。His long dumpy face wrinkled in a scowl.

老板皱皱眉表露出厌恶。The boss manifested his disgust with a scowl.

我们做父母的有时还是会连吼带叫的。There will still be times when we scowl and growl.

他满脸的愁容告诉你他准备好了。That scowl he's wearing on his face should tell you so.

不要让任何拉着一副老脸的人接近你。Don't let anyone wearing a scowl come closer than a hundred paces.

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他一只胳膊上放着帽子,一脸正经的。He had his hat tucked under one arm and wore a grim scowl on his face.

男孩大约十一岁的样子,穿着红色的印着加勒比海盗的T恤衫,一脸不高兴的样子。He was aged about 11, wore a red Pirates of the Caribbean sweatshirt and a resolute scowl.

他是个一旦被提到就令天行者站姿僵硬,表情纠结的士兵。He was a solider whose mere mention would cause Skywalker's back to stiffen and face to scowl.

科比不任何理由皱眉头了,上个赛季的这个时候,他还想分开湖人呢。There is otherwise no reason for Bryant to retrieve the scowl he so often wore one calendar year ago.

或者他们记得那些恼人的广告,贴满所有他们所喜爱的新闻网站,他们在你皱眉头。Or they recall those irritating ads that are plastered all over their favorite news sites, and they scowl at you.

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这幅画从一个不恰当的角度展示了一个30岁的戴着老处女标志性帽子稍稍皱着眉头的相当普通的女人。It shows a rather plain woman on the wrong side of 30 in a spinsterish cap, with what may even be a hint of a scowl

斯卡哈日满面怒容,似乎他也只能生气了。“一个男孩可能可以代替多恩,但是弥林需要一个有着吉斯卡里血统的国王。”Skahaz scowled, as only he could scowl. "This boy might serve for Dorne, but Meereen needs a king of Ghiscari blood. ""

他脸上的怒容、脚上的青筋、肘部皮肤的褶皱,还有那布满血丝的眼睛的凶光。The angry scowl on his face, the veins in his feet, the wrinkles on the skin of his elbows, the glare of his bloodshot eyes.

对于那些常常面对愁苦和那些别人不肖一顾的人来说,你的微笑就像穿透乌云的阳光。To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds.

汉斯莱脸上似乎始终挂着轻蔑的表情,他的下巴、薄嘴唇和鹰钩鼻都有些扭曲,仿佛是为了更好地配合他恒久不变的扑克脸。The shape of his jaw, his thin lips, and aquiline nose were all slightly twisted, as if to better accommodate the man's perpetual scowl.

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无法生气地皱眉似乎让他们不能很好地理解为什么咄咄逼人的电话销售或是没得到生日祝愿会让人沉下脸来。Their inability to scowl seemed to impair their ability to see why pushy telemarketers or a lack of birthday wishes might make one's face fall.

无法生气地皱眉似乎让他们不能很好地理解为什么咄咄逼人的电话销售或是没得到生日祝愿会让人沉下脸来。Their inability to scowl seemed to impair their ability to see why pushy telemarketers or a lack of birthday wishes might make one’s face fall.

大餐厅里挂着木制镶板的肖像画,在果酒和波尔图葡萄酒之间,画里有着严肃表情的人物怒视着我们,餐桌上还放着大烛台。Stern faces scowl down from the portraits hanging on the wooden panelling of the dining hall and there are candelabras on the table, between the wine and the port.