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爱尔兰是第二个倒下的。Ireland was next to fall.

他在爱尔兰经营一家种马场。He runs stud farm in Ireland.

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疯狂的爱尔兰损伤了你直至诗艺。Mad Ireland hurt you into poetry.

今天轮到爱尔兰的同学了。Today we are saying hi to Ireland.

除非你是一名爱尔兰银行家。Unless you're a banker in Ireland.

该片在意大利、芬兰和爱尔兰被禁演。Banned in Italy, Finland and Ireland

我们还以为你去爱尔兰了呢,原来你并没去呀。We surmised you had gone to Ireland.

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让我深切地渴念我的祖国爱尔兰。That made me think on Ireland dearly.

那时是在1930年代的爱尔兰。That was back in Ireland in the 1930s.

9月13日,晚疫病出现在了爱尔兰。Blight appeared in Ireland on Sept. 13.

鲍勃。吉尔道夫于1954年生于爱尔兰岛。Bob Geldof was born in Ireland in 1954.

绿色是爱尔兰的国色。Green is the national color of Ireland.

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最高法官对爱尔兰情况一无所知。The justiciars know nothing of Ireland.

这次他来到了绿草茵茵的爱尔兰。This time he´s in green, green Ireland.

圣徒帕特里克纪念日-爱尔兰国庆节。St. Patrick's Day-national day of Ireland.

在安色尔字体书写风格开始在爱尔兰。The Uncial writing style began in Ireland.

当然最好的方法还是收拾包裹去爱尔兰。Best just pack-up and go to ireland anyway.

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她的计划就是在爱尔兰待上两个星期。Her plan was to spend two weeks in Ireland.

爱尔兰是一只吃自己猪崽的老母猪。Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow.

在爱尔兰大约有400位血友病患者。There are about 400 haemophiliacs in Ireland.