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什么是腰椎?What is lumbar?

腿和腰自然会衰老。Leg and lumbar nature will be anile.

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在已建成的靠背腰部支撑。The backrest has built in lumbar support.

创伤也可导致腰椎小关节源性疼痛。Trauma may also cause lumbar facetogenic pain.

髋关节炎常和腰椎关节炎伴发。Arthritis often coexists in the hip and lumbar spine.

治疗腰肌劳损有没有特效药?Does remedial strain of lumbar muscles have specific?

她因腰椎手术得住院。She had to go into hospital for her lumbar operation.

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刀把掉了,我抢过了刀刃,扎向宋怀后腰。Whip out, I grabbed the blade, to the lumbar SONG Huai.

易误诊为颈或腰椎病。PSMA might be misdiagnosed as cervical or lumbar diseases.

病人下蹲位足跟着地,腰部前屈。The 3 patient squat position foot followed, lumbar flexion.

头晕目眩,耳鸣,腰膝酸软无力。Giddy dazzled, tinnitus, lumbar genu aching and limp is faint.

腰椎骨质增生的最佳治疗方法是???Is the optimal treatment method of lumbar bone hyperplasia? ? ?

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肌肉对腰椎节间和多节段。The intersegmental and multisegmental muscles of the lumbar spine.

两臂下捋须随腰旋转,仍走弧线。To be under arms stroking with lumbar rotation curve is still going.

腰椎的退行性改变常可导致腰痛症状。Of lumbar retreat travel sex change to often can cause lumbago symptom.

脊柱稳定的差异较不明显腰腹部肌肉的效果。The effects of abdominal muscle coactivation on lumbar spine stability.

高姿登列出的脊椎,胸椎,腰椎病都有哪些?Gordon listed the high position of the spine, thoracic, lumbar What are?

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然而,人们对腰椎间盘成形术产生了一系列的担忧。Lumbar disc arthroplasty, however, engenders a separate set of concerns.

自体髂嵴骨移植成为腰椎融合的传统方法。Iliac crest autograft bone has traditionally been used for lumbar fusion.

结果发现颈腰椎间盘突出症是本病的重要原因。Results One of important causes is thecervical and lumbar herniated disc.