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不要靠在芦苇上哦。Don't lean on a reed.

要看风吹动的芦苇吗?A reed swayed by the wind?

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要看风吹动的芦苇吗。A reed shaken with the wind?

而我折一枚空心的芦杆。And I plucked a hollow reed.

将纤纤苇草淹没。That drowns the tender reed.

就是有名的芦苇海。That is the famed Reed Lake.

希律王就像一根随风摇曳的芦苇。He was like a reed moving in wind.

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沼泽地中的收芦苇者。A reed collector in the marshlands.

一只苇莺正在喂养小杜鹃。A reed warbler feeds a baby cuckoo.

哦,原来今天要赏的是芦花啊!Oh, they are actually reed flowers!

法斯托也表达也对霍伊特法官的感谢。Mr. Fastow also add reed Judge Hoyt.

但是相互依赖是微弱而不可靠的。But interdependency is a slender reed.

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门前芦苇小已碎草铺阻。Broken rushes clog the reed gate's way.

蓝箭集团常州钢筘有限公司。Lanjian Group Changzhou Reed Co. , Ltd.

避雷器,放电管,磁簧开关,磁簧继电器。Surge Arrestor, Reed Switch, Reed Relay.

河岸上长满了芦苇。The river banks were overgrown with reed.

有人说,爱是一条河流。It is a river that drowns the tender reed.

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潘不知道哪根芦苇是仙女。Pan did not know which reed was the nymph.

双簧管是一个具有两片簧片的管乐器。The oboe is a double reed wind instrument.

栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲鹪鹩。American wren that inhabits tall reed beds.