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支气管肺炎在性质上是渗出性的,在分布是小叶性的。The bronchopneumonia is exudative in type and lobular in distribution.

这是视网膜脱离最常见的一种类型,比牵拉性和渗出性的病例多发。It is the most common type of retinal detachment, ahead of tractional and exudative.

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目的观察利湿通口服液治疗渗出性中耳炎的临床疗效。Objective To analyze clinical effect of Lishitong oral liquid on exudative otitis media.

结论CVF胸膜腔内注射能引起对常用的抗炎药敏感的渗出性胸膜炎。CONCLUSION CVF can induce significantly exudative pleurisy sensitive to anti inflammatory agents.

术后并发症4例,均为腹腔积液,经抗炎后好转。Complications occurred in 4 cases, all of them was exudative inflammation, treated with antibiotic.

渗出性中耳炎是一个多因素介导的、以传导性聋为主要特征的中耳疾病。Exudative otitis is a middle ear disease with its main feature of conducting hearing loss mediated by many factors.

本文报告一罗患家族性渗出性玻璃体网膜症的家族病例。We report one family, suffered from the familial exudative vitreoretinopathy, two genertions five subjects examined.

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目的探讨重型渗出性多型性红斑的病因、临床表现、治疗及预后。Objective To explore the cause of serious exudative and erythema multiforme, clinical manifestation, treatment and prognosis.

急性期重症病例肺部病变为严重的急性间质性渗出性炎,类似呼吸窘迫综合征的病理特征。SARS is pathologically characterized by interstitial exudative inflammation of lung with the formation of hyaline membrane in acute phase.

病例二为巩膜炎合并渗出性视网膜剥离及脉络膜剥离,伴有葡萄膜炎。The other had scleromalacia with exudative retinal and choroid detachment and was treated with systemic steroid. Both conditions improved.

目的观察地塞米松联合散瞳对人工晶体术后瞳孔区渗出膜的治疗效果。Objective To observe the curative effect of dexamethasone combined with mydriasis treating exudative lemma in pupil after artificial lens operation.

目的探讨结核性渗出性胸膜炎胸腔积液纤维蛋白原含量与胸膜肥厚、粘连的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship of concentration of pleural effusion in tuberculous exudative pleurisy with pleural thickness and adhesion.

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结果显示病例一尸检肺组织主要病理改变为弥漫性肺泡损伤,透明膜形成及渗出性炎症。In one case, the major pathological changes of autopsy lung tissue were diffuse alveolar damage , hyaline membrane formed and alveolar exudative inflammation.

提示PCR扩增DNA技术对结核性渗出性胸膜炎是高度敏感和特异的早期、快速诊断方法。Therefore, the paper suggests PCR amplification DNA is a highly sensitive and specific method for diagnosing tuberculous exudative pleurisy early and rapidly.

渗出性心包炎虽有心胸比值缩小显著、但与其心腔内径变化不相关。Although patients with exudative pericarditis showed remarkable reduction in cardiac shadow, they did not have any remarkable change in their cardiac chambers.

唯对于网膜血管疾病及渗出性黄斑变性视力不良原因之评估及雷射治疗之规划等,则萤光血管摄影有莫大的帮助。However, angiogram is useful in assessing cause of visual loss and indications for photocoagulation in retinal vascular disease and exudative macular degeneration.

结果在符合诊断的六个病例中,其中五例是在中心性视网膜静脉阻塞后二到六个月中发生渗出性视网膜剥离,而另依一病例则时间不确定。The time interval between the occurrence of vein occlusion and exudative retinal detachment ranged from two months to six months in five eyes, and was uncertain in one eye.

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方法在急性间质性肺炎渗出期大剂量地塞米松冲击,待急性渗出消散后,才逐渐减量是有效治疗的关键。Methods High-dose dexamethasone was used to treat exudative phase of acute interstitial pneumonia until the acute exudate dissipated, then the dose of dexamethasone was gradually reduced.

电镜下皮层神经细胞、神经纤维、神经突触的病理变化及小血管的渗出性改变等,超声组均比对照组轻。Having observed the pathologic change of cortico nerve cell, nerve fiber nerve synapse and small vascular exudative change, we found that the ultrasonic group is lighter than control group.

上述抗原定位于根尖周肉芽肿的渗出区、坏死区及根尖面,并与巨噬细胞有关。The anaerobic bacteria with their antigens as mentioned above were found in the exudative zone, necro'tic zone and granulomas adjacent to the root-apex, and were also related to macrophage.