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什么是表现主义照明?。What Is Expressionistic Lighting?

我的雕刻风格是表现主义。When I sculpt, my style is expressionistic.

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斯特林堡是表现主义戏剧的先驱人物。August Strindberg has been regarded by many as pioneer of expressionistic drama.

你可以想一下他们的作品为什么被认为既是抽象主义又是表现主义呢?Can you think of why his painting can be thought of as both abstract and expressionistic ?

正是这些表现主义手法的使用让该剧在现代戏剧史上独领风骚。It is those expressionistic techniques that make this play outstanding in history of modern drama.

但他也先一步用出了较具表现主义的艺术画法,表现主义在下二十世纪中相当盛行。But he also anticipated a more expressionistic approach to art, which flourished in the next century.

表现主义艺术会运用可以识别的物体,但是他们被做了变化来表达艺术家的感受。Expressionistic art uses objects that can be recognized, but they are changed to show the artist's feelings.

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他将自然主义与心理分析相结合开拓了戏剧领域里的表现主义运动。He, by combining naturalistic techniques with psychoanalysis, inaugurated the expressionistic movement in the sphere of drama.

和充满激情的表现主观感受的画派不同,超级写实主义油画的作画过程,是十分理性的。It is different from the passionate expressionistic schools, the painting process of super realism painters are very rational.

表现主义是一种具有灯光照明,说明不同的情感和情绪在照片试验方法。Expressionistic lighting is a way of experimenting with lighting to illustrated different emotions and moods in the photograph.

我致力于抽象印象画,作画时的情感和对色彩的选择决定了我的作品。我的画关注对自然的保护。My works are abstract expressionistic. Emotions and choice of colour decidethe result of my paintings. My imagesconcern the conservation of nature.

使用本有关摄影的免费视频,从专业的艺术表现主义艺术与信息照明摄影和商业摄影。Use expressionistic lighting in artistic photography with information from a professional art and commercial photographer in this free video on photography.

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他最初对表现主义运动持敌对态度,但在1911年罹患中风后,他的创作风格放松下来,并呈现诸多表现主义的特点。Corinth was initially antagonistic towards the expressionist movement, but after a stroke in 1911 his style loosened and took on many expressionistic qualities.