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我感觉到原力里有波动…I sense a disturbance in the force.

稍有动静,鹿就会受到惊吓。The deer spooked at any disturbance.

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不停打扰使我有点烦。Constant disturbance made me annoyed.

他们当时正在应答一个骚扰电话。They were responding to a disturbance call.

在这儿你可不受任何干扰地工作。You can work in here without any disturbance.

他们因制造动乱而再次入狱。They were reimprisoned for causing a disturbance.

我们在圆形大厅遇到了些情况。We’ve got some kind of disturbance in the Rotunda.

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任何显着的社会动乱都会使他感到不安。Any marked disturbance of the society unanchors him.

他因扰乱公共治安而坐牢。He was imprisoned for creating a public disturbance.

骚乱最终被防暴警察镇压下来。The disturbance was repressed at last by the riot police.

街上的骚动转移了我的注意力。My attention was led away by the disturbance in the street.

他们被警方指控为扰乱治安。They were charged by the police with causing a disturbance.

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警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。The police have been called in to quell a minor disturbance.

解决了原电极的干扰伪差和污染问题。It solved the disturbance and pollution of foreign electrode.

纷乱的心情,是为了应付外界的干扰而产生的。The troublous feeling is due to the disturbance of outer world.

然而,主要的问题是串音的干扰。However, the most critical problem is the crosstalk disturbance.

组织的水肿和创面的渗出又进一步加重了这一紊乱。Tissue edema and wound exudation further worsen the disturbance.

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该风场的扰动虽然很弱,但是还是可以看得出来。Weak as it is, the disturbance in the wind field is discernible.

我试着把思想都推出去,拒绝干扰。I tried to push them out of the way and let no disturbance enter.

你用多长时间从干扰中恢复过来?How long does it usually take you to recover from this disturbance?