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棉织品吸汗。Cotton textiles wick away perspiration.

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一盏灯烧了起来却没有灯芯也没有灯油。A lamp burns and has neither wick nor oil.

一种以灯芯草茎为灯芯的动物脂肪作成的蜡烛。A tallow candle with a rush stem as the wick.

取一个打火机和一支有棉花芯的蜡烛。Get a lighter and a candle with a cotton wick.

改进灯芯粗细后的测试纪录。Improvement wick thick thin after test record.

灯芯是新的,油也加满了。The wick is new and I've filled it up for you.

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好奇心是学习这根蜡烛的烛心。Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.

灯台的蜡剪和蜡花盘也是要精金的。Its wick trimmers and trays are to be of pure gold.

蜡烛主要由主燃剂和烛芯构成。Candle chiefly consists of main burning agent and wick.

如果老师是一盏灯,我就是舍不得燃烧的灯芯。If the teacher is a lamp, I'm reluctant to burning wick.

灯芯采用脱脂纯棉及食用油脂制作。The wick with degrease cotton and edible oils production.

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在温和的天气里,戴着跑步手套可以吸水。On mild days, wear running gloves that wick moisture away.

甘汞电板上有一个针孔或砂芯。The calomel electrode has a small pinhole opening or wick.

使用中若烟雾增多,可适当剪短蠋芯后才继续使用。Cut the wick as appropriate when soot increases during use.

丹尼斯维克提供镀银和镀金的号嘴。Denis Wick offers silver-plated and gold-plated mouthpieces.

使用可吸汗的织物。Use a fabric that will wick perspiration away from the skin.

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代表未知。好奇心是学习这只蜡烛的烛芯。X is for X. Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.

这时残烛落入了烛台孔中,烛芯熄灭了。Here the socket of the candle dropped, and the wick went out.

使用能透气的合成材料制成的跑步服。Wear running attire made of synthetic materials that wick moisture away.