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难怪瑟琳娜把你给甩了。雪莉,你好啊。No wonder serena dumped you. Hello, shirley.

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这是小威在我心中失分最严重的一张图片。This is Where Serena Loses the Most Points with Me

一件DKNY的衬衫和一支小威廉姆斯用过的的网球拍!AA DKNY shirt and one of Serena Williams' used tennis rackets!

中网之后,她和小威廉姆斯的积分差距缩小到了2位数。After net, she and Serena Williams's integral disparity reduced 2 figures.

塞丽娜注意到了什么使神父的证人价值降低了?What has Serena noted that may weaken Father Belcher's value as a witness?

小威廉姆斯是我预先挑选的比赛冠军,我坚持。Serena was my pre-tournament pick for the title, and I'm sticking with her.

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一旦夺冠成功——小威的缺阵,应该能行吧——谁知道呢?Once she wins it -- and she should, with Serena Williams absent -- who knows?

绯闻女孩称S为睡美人,而Nate则是他的王子。Gossip Girl called Serena “Sleeping Beauty” and referred to Nate as her “prince.”

小威是今年女网中的第四个单站大满贯冠军。Serena is the fourth different Grand Slam Champion on the woman's side this year.

网球有威廉丝姐妹和安德鲁、阿格西这三名球场宠儿。Tennis has Venus and Serena Williams and Andrew Agasi, the darlings of the courts.

小威廉姆斯发挥她的正手在比赛对维多利亚阿扎连卡1月27日。Serena Williams plays a forehand in her match against Victoria Azarenka January 27.

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艾莉的好朋友,玛戈特、塞蕾娜和波利特准备给艾莉开一个告别单身惊喜派对。Elle's friends, Margot, Serena and Paulette will give her a surprise wedding shower.

维纳斯现在世界排名第十一,妹妹塞雷娜已经晋升到第三。Venus is now eleventh in the world, and her young sister Serena has moved up to third.

她妈妈埃莉诺刚从巴黎回来,还有瑟琳娜。范德。伍德森,她的早午餐会伙伴。Her mom Eleanor, who just returned from Paris and Serena Van Der Woodsen, brunch buddies.

扬科维奇是在去年八月首次成为世界第一的,而在随后的美网她才首次打进大满贯决赛。She lost her first grand slam final to American Serena Williams at last year's U. S. Open.

比赛结束后,塞雷娜表示能够在比赛中走到现在她已经很高兴。After her match, Serena said she was happy to have got as far as she did in the tournament.

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年塞雷娜赢得两姐妹在罗兰加洛斯的唯一冠军头衔时也是这样的抽签结果。This happened in 2002 with Serena winning the family's only singles title at Roland Garros.

另一方面,对于小威,或许她并不在意何时出战、对手是谁。On the other hand, for Serena herself it probably doesn’t matter when or who she is playing.

温布尔登开赛前,小威廉姆斯沐浴在迈阿密的阳光中展示她的丰满身材。Serena Williams shows off her fuller figure and relaxes in the Miami sun ahead of Wimbledon.