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从原始文档中抽取所有可以翻译的文本。Extract all translatable text from the original documents.

有时候,很难判断一个字符串是否是可翻译的。Sometimes it is hard to judge if a string is translatable.

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在我们的项目中,可译文本的总字数是5,400字。In our project, the total word count of translatable text is 5,400.

更重要的是,这些技术还可以应用到剑和短刀上。More importantly, it is translatable to the sword and to the knife.

诗歌是否可以翻译,历来聚讼纷纭。There have been controversies as to whether poetry is translatable.

所有可翻译的句子在提纲中被替换为特殊的记号。All translatable sentences are replaced by special marks in the skeleton.

该页面包含两个可翻译的句子和几个与翻译人员无关的标签。This page contains two translatable sentences and several tags that are irrelevant for a translator.

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将源代码中的可翻译文本外部化为消息文件,数据表或者资源束文件。Externalizing translatable text in source code into message files, database tables or resource bundles.

本文在第一章首先介绍了有关中国古诗英译可译与不可译的争论。In the first chapter, the paper introduces the argument whether classical Chinese poetry is translatable.

在此文件夹及其子文件夹中所有可翻译文件都包括在此以进行项目翻译。All translatable documents in this folder and its sub-folders are included for translation in the project.

这就是把属性文件混用于可翻译文本和运行时参数化的风险。That is the risk of mixing the use of properties files for translatable text and runtime parameterization.

而在属性文件中,可翻译字符串和不可翻译字符串分放在不同的文件中。In the properties files, translatable strings and untranslatable strings are separated into different files.

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因此许多翻译家竭尽全力地寻找将双关中的不可译成分转化成可译成分的方法。So many translators are exerting great efforts to try to convert the untranslatable elements into translatable ones.

过滤程序引用特定的规范区分可翻译文本和格式化信息。Filter programs use certain specifications as reference to distinguish between translatable text and formatting information.

完成导入后,项目字数统计功能将会对可译文本进行字数统计。After importing them into the TM application, the project word count functionality will give a word count of translatable text.

从应用程序中提取将放入到属性文件的所有可翻译字符串,并将它们放入到各自的文件夹中。Extract all the translatable strings from the applications to be placed in properties files and put them into their respective folders.

分段就是将文本块分解成更小的可翻译文本段,比如句子、段落或短语。Segmentation is the breaking down of a block of text into smaller translatable segments of text, such as a sentence, a paragraph, or a phrase.

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首先,您需要收集将显示在用户界面页中的所有可翻译字符串,如门户网页、电子邮件等等。First, you need to collect all the translatable strings that will be shown in user interface pages, such as portal Web pages, e-mail, and so on.

本文讨论影视片中经常出现的双关语的翻译,根据作者翻译中外影视片的实践经验,认为双关语实际上不可译。This paper discusses the translation of puns that often appear in films. It is the author's experience that puns are virtually not translatable.

因为LSL的编译代码并不能够直接翻译成Mono能够使用的IL代码,所以只有那些带有LSL源代码的脚本才能被移植过来。Since the LSL byte code isn't directly translatable into the IL byte code used by Mono, only scripts that still have the original LSL source code can be ported.