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大量的证据表明,对大脑没有影响。The preponderance of evidence continues to indicate there is no threat.

在民事诉讼中,判决会以证据为基础。In a civil action, a verdict may be based on the preponderance of evidence.

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三都澳区位优越,具有悠久的历史及遗存。Sandu'Ao has preponderance on geographical location and has centuries-old history and relic.

如何发挥新浙大的综合优势,加强创新人才培养,是浙大新一轮教学改革的重点。It is the key point of the latest teaching reforms how to develop comprehensive preponderance.

由于过多未售出及被取消赎回权的房屋的存在,该城市的远郊出奇的安静。The city’s outer suburbs are eerily quiet, thanks to the preponderance of unsold and foreclosed homes.

资料与方法综合DFR与CR的优点对1007例静脉尿路造影效果分析。Materials and Methods analyse the effect of integrate preponderance of DFR and CR with 1007 patients in IVU.

现代社会的祸根在于男性荷尔蒙在它能起长期破坏作用的地方占了压倒优势。The curse of modern times is the preponderance of male hormones in places where they can do long-term damage.

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但在马毅的研究中,这巨量的数据却成为一个“利润丰厚”的研究契机。In Yi Ma’s case, however, this preponderance of data has presented a research opportunity paying enormous dividends.

除去语言的不同和行业地位的优势外,瓜哇邮报给人的感觉无异于其他任何一家大日报的编辑室。Language difference and a preponderance of statues aside, the Jawa Pos felt like any other newsroom of a large daily.

基本明确了辽宁省植烟区害虫天敌的种类、分布及各主要植烟区的优势天敌类群。The species distrubition and the enemies of preponderance are definited in tobacco planting regions of Liaoning Province.

问题在于,没有列入预算的筹资活动令人几乎不可能了解到情况到底糟糕到了何种程度。S. The problem is that the preponderance of off-budget financing makes it almost impossible to know much worse things are.

负值意味着“左”倾观点占优,正值表示右倾观点占优。A net minus rating suggests predominantly left-wing views and a positive rating suggests a preponderance of right-wing views.

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然而中国在亚洲有经济优势,这让它有足以有足够的筹码把它大部分的邻国捆绑在一起。China's economic preponderance in Asia, however, has provided it with considerable leverage to keep most neighbors on a leash.

债权人必须有充足举证证明,对申请破产的债务人的索赔债务不应该予免除。Creditor is required to prove by a preponderance of evidence that his claim against debtor is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

楼市呈现如此繁荣景象,很大程度上应归功于低利率和浮息按揭的优势。Such buoyancy can largely be attributed to a combination of low interest rates and a preponderance of variable-rate mortgages.

抽菸也一样,我们一一检视研究报告发现,多数的结果是「没有影响」。The same is true for tobacco use, where our study-by-study review uncovered a preponderance of results that show no influence.

而在癌肿对周围组织浸润及远处转移方面的诊断,超声具有无法比拟的优势。But ultrasound had obvious preponderance in observation of carcinoma infiltration to circumferential tissue and distance metastases.

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人民政协是我国社会主义民主政治的一大特点和政治优势。The people's political consultation congress is a main feature and political preponderance of China's socialistic democratic politic.

比如,通过租赁一部分的机队,航空公司将不再一直使用20年前的老式飞机。For instance, by leasing some percentage of its fleet, an airline is not stuck with a preponderance of 20-year-old aircraft down the road.

负面性的上风缔造猛烈的不屈衡,不论是一个魂魄大概宇宙,光的能量是规复均衡的枢纽。A preponderance of negativity creates drastic imbalance, and whether in one soul or the cosmos, the energy of light is what restores balance.