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作者在诗中使用了象征主义手法,和比喻等修辞方法。The writer uses imagism and other figure of speech like simile etc.

在意象诗的创作中,他遵循了意象诗的原则。In composing such poems, Laurence follows the basic principles of imagism.

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中国古代诗歌的意象比西方意象派的意象概念范围更广,意义更微妙。Chinese poetic image has larger scope and is subtler than the image in Imagism.

二十世纪初的意象主义运动标志着英美诗歌进入了新的篇章。Imagism in the early 20th century moves the English and Americanpoetry into a new era.

中国古典诗歌无论是在哲学思想还是意象创造上都对意象派产生过深刻的影响。Chinese classic poetry has exerted impacts on Imagism in terms of both philosophic thought and image-creating.

庞德发起的意象主义运动虽昙花一现,但他的诗歌美学,都值得后人仔细研究。In all, the Imagism movement didn"t last for long, but Pound and his poetic aesthetics is still worth studying."

奥尔丁顿诗歌是在11月的诗歌和HD的在1913年1月和意象作为运动已经展开。Aldington's poems were in the November issue of Poetry and HD's in January 1913 and Imagism as a movement was launched.

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文章探讨了意象主义与象征主义在中外文坛上的发展与影响,对受这些流派影响的作家及作品作了新的多角度的评论。A special comment on certain writers and their works influenced by imagism and symbolism is made from a new view in this paper.

威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯是美国现代新诗的一代宗师,受庞德及意象主义的影响甚深。他的小品诗形式自由,语言精炼,贴近生活。As the forerunner of modern American poetry, William Carlos Williams has been deeply influenced by Ezra Pound as well as Imagism.

起源的意象和立体主义都在两首诗的特休姆说,被刊登在1909年的诗人俱乐部在伦敦举行。Theorigins of Imagism and cubism are to be found in two poems by TE Hulmethat were published in 1909 by the Poets' Club in London.

诗歌中呈现的事物本身及其词汇、段落的独到安排的分析,详细阐述意象派诗歌的鲜明的视觉性特点。Get to know the distinctive seeing character of the poetry of imagism in America through the analysis of the poems by Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams and e.

但是庞德等人又带着摹仿的概念去理解中国诗,同时他们的意象主义也并没有脱离象征主义的范畴。But their comprehension of Chinese literature is based on the concept of simulation. And simultaneously, their imagism is not divorced from the range of symbolism.

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本文从接受美学理论入手,重点考察了庞德的意象主义理论和他与中国文化,尤其中国古典诗歌的关系。This thesis begins with the reception aesthesis and concerns much about the relationship between Pound's Imagism theory and the Chinese culture, particularly Chinese classical poetry.

“五四”时期胡适的诗学主张与创作正是中国新诗潮流的起源,而他的诸多诗学理论却是受到了庞德及意想派的影响。In the period of "May Fourth Movement" Hu Shi's poetic concepts and writings are the origin of New Poetry of China, but his poetic theory and practice are related with Ezra Pound and Imagism.

从心理表象到情感意象的转化,情感意象的诞生是心象思维运行的最终结果。The process of thought in imagism way includes two transformations, first objective mental image to subjective image, then subjective image to emotional image, which is the end of the process.

作为现代主义之父,艾兹拉·庞德在诗歌现代化进程中扮演着举足轻重的角色。Pound and Imagism As the father of modernism which is the main stream of literature in the twentieth century, Ezra Pound definitely plays a predominant role in the evolution of modernist poetry.

该诗的研究多集中在意象和象征主义,但从陌生化理论角度来研究的很少,研究其悲剧色彩更少。Previous researches on this poem are mostly concentrated on imagism and symbolism, but few researchers have studied this poem from the theory of defamiliarization, not to mention the tragic color.

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意象主义运动在东方诗歌里寻求到理论的支持,东方译诗对意象主义诗歌运动最大的影响是意象的运用、句法的切割和并置。The Imagism finds support in the oriental poetry for its poetic theory. The biggest influence of the oriental translation on the Imagism lies in the usage of image, space and juxtaposition of syntax.