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是否有企业会员的方案呢?What is a Corporate Purchase?

企业目录管理。Corporate Directory Management.

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一个多层大楼的一层或一间。A high-level corporate briefing.

可采取是公司制There could be a corporate form.

在公司专机问题上挑刺很容易。Corporate jets are easy to pick on.

这就是企业界的生存方式。This is life in the corporate world.

公司试验机的能力。Capacity of corporate testing machine.

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商务卡业务通常是V字型走势。Corporate card generally is more of a V.

是否有企业会员的方案呢?Do you have any Corporate Account Program?

有独立的法人资格。Having the independent corporate capacity.

欢迎来到太子矿业公司网站。Welcome to Putra Mining Corporate website.

他们解散了该合股公司。They disincorporated the corporate company.

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申请企业会员必须填写。This is for applying corporate member only.

还有少数几家公司页面看起来杀气腾腾。A few corporate pages have seemed combative.

但是SOPA不仅仅是法人之间的战争。But SOPA isn’t just about corporate battles.

我也是一个机构的领言人。I am also a speaker in the corporate sector.

企业博客不应该存在。In my view, corporate blogs shouldn't exist.

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我们把佳能公司的经营哲学称之为kyosei。The corporate philosophy of Canon is kyosei.

向董事会报告公司的风险评估情况。c.Report corporate risk assessment to broad.

韩国京仁加油站设计的应用。Corporate design and usage of Gyungin Energy.