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蛀洞也是大量细菌的藏身之地。Wormhole is a large number of bacteria to hide.

反馈变得很强大而毁坏了虫洞。The feedback will become so strong it destroys the wormhole.

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占领建筑然后让摄魂师通过虫洞撤回来。Capture the building and Retreat back through the Wormhole with your Mastermind.

采用虫孔路由技术,网络中容易发生死锁。Networks using wormhole routing techniques are particularly vulnerable to deadlock.

但是如果科学家利用虫洞回到过去,并开枪射杀过去的自己,他现在已经死了。But what if our scientist uses the wormhole to shoot his earlier self? He's now dead.

在小笠原群岛一个珊瑚礁上,一个被放弃的虫洞成了一只寄生蟹的家。On a coral reef in the Bonin Islands, an abandoned wormhole is home to a hermit crab.

要使蠹孔可以通行,它就得包含索恩称之为「奇异物质」的东西。FOR THE WORMHOLE to be traversable , it must contain what Thorne termed exotic matter.

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如果他们成功了,那这将很可能是他最后一次踏入虫洞。If they make it home, this will probably be the last time he steps through a wormhole.

当虫洞膨胀,自然射线进入,最终形成一个循环。As soon as the wormhole expands, natural radiation will enter it, and end up in a loop.

以往我们认识的虫洞,是指连接宇宙遥远区域间的时空细管。Wormhole before we know, is the connection between cosmic time and space remote area thin tube.

并给出了在SHARC处理器构成的并行处理网络中实现的结果。We also show the result of wormhole algorithm in a parallel DSP network made up of SHARC processor.

因此,虫洞从根本上来说宇宙中一个细长的管道,连接宇宙中两个非常,非常遥远的地方。So a wormhole is basically a thin tube of space that connects two very, very distant parts of space.

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这个强大的非正统的和平卫士发现了克莱顿意识中的虫洞资料。This powerful and unconventional Peacekeeper discovered the wormhole information in Crichton's mind.

一艘宇宙飞船可以通过虫洞到达数以万亿光年远的地球。A spaceship could enter a wormhole and found herself at a time thousands of light years beyond earth.

理论上,如果人可以穿过呢个虫洞嘅话,系可以作宇宙跳跃旅行。Theorectically, human beings can perform a jumping journey in our universe if we could pass through wormhole.

我们穿越能扭曲时空的虫洞,来到一个奇怪的西部前线,没准就能看到这种蒸汽朋克风的龙虾坦克。Timewarp through a wormhole to some bizarro Western Front and you just might find the Steampunk Lobster Tank.

在这个颠覆性的新理论中,黑洞是宇宙之间的虫孔。According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole.

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气孔也可以流入其它时间。这是因为气孔是通过空间和时间的正门。A wormhole might also empty into another time. That's because wormholes are portals through the fabric of space and time.

所以,在此之前,它仍然是一个有点过早购买到最近的虫洞门票参观未来星系或狩猎恐龙!So until then, it's still a bit premature to buy tickets to the nearest wormhole to visit the next galaxy or hunt dinosaurs!

正如一切转机一样令人料想不到,人们在位于船底星座的老人星附近发现了一个天然的虫洞。Things took an unexpected turn for the better, however, with the discovery of a natural wormhole near the system of Canopus.