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有向图d是单连的。A digraph D is unilateral.

我们将把“有方向的图”简称为方向图。We shall abbreviate "directed graph" to digraph.

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此文所给出的算法同样适用于有向欧拉图。The algorithm is also suitable to an Eulerian digraph.

将网站结构抽象为无权有向图。Website structure was described as an un weighted digraph.

本文给出了函数有向图计数式的一个简短证明。In this note we give a short proof of enumeration of functional digraph.

在一般有向图中最短路问题是没有好算法的。There is no good algorithm for finding shortcut in the directed digraph.

给出了一种汉语分词有向图的快速生成算法。A fast algorithm for generating Chinese word segmentation digraph was given.

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文章通过研究局部半完全有向图的结构定理,分类讨论了它中的王。There fore we study the kings of locally semicomplete digraph by its characterization.

本文采用有向图表示、提出一种二维的最小区域布局方法。A two-dimensional placement method of minimum area is presented by digraph representation.

采用布尔矩阵,得到了线有向幂敛指数的一些结果。By using Boolean matrix, some results of power convergence exponent of line digraph are given.

从而解决了求有向回路基集的有效算法问题。Thus, the problem of efficiently finding the basic set of directed circuits in a digraph is solved.

研究一类特殊的本原双色有向图,其未着色的有向图包含两个圈。Special primitive two-colored digraphs whose uncolored digraph consist of two cycles arc considered.

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研究一类特殊的本原双色有向图,其未着色的有向图包含两个圈。Special primitive two-colored digraphs whose uncolored digraph consist of two cycles are considered.

运算符认为该单个二合字母字符与这两个单独的字符是等效的。Operator recognizes that the single digraph character and the two individual characters are equivalent.

所构造的有向图可以作为机械分词、消除歧义以及进一步分析句子的基础。The digraph generated can be used in automatic segmentation, ambiguity diminishing and sentence analyzing.

本文提出了一种判别有向图是否欧拉图的充分必要条件,并给出了在有向欧拉图中找一条欧拉巡回的新的算法。This paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition to decide whether a digraph is a Eulerian one or not.

该算法根据目标不同时刻的运动状态依据有向图匹配不同的子模型集合进行滤波。According to the target motion state basis at different times, the algorithm can match sub-model-set based on the digraph.

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采用有向图的矩阵表示,得到了线有向图的幂敛指数和周期的有关结果。By using the matrix representation of a digraph, some results about the index of convergence and period of a line digraph are obtained.

在这篇文章中,我们给出了一个有向图有一对不相交的准核的一个必要条件和若干充分条件。In this paper, we provide a necessary condition and several sufficient conditions for a digraph to have a pair of disjoint quasi-kernels.

除此,还给出了在非有向欧拉图中找一条最短欧拉道路的算法。Algorithms searching for a directed Euler tour in a Eulerian digraph and the shortest Euler trial in a non-Eulerian digraph are also developed.