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我多希望嘴上有个退格键。I wish my mouth had a backspace key.

比赛一退格如果在字符匹配模式。Match a backspace if in character matching mode.

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敲计算机或打字机上的退格键。Hit the backspace key on a computer or typewriter keyboard.

删除键向上滑动删除所谓未上屏字符。Slip up on the backspace key to delete all chars in buffer.

不过经验告诉我们,退格键不会那样。Experience tells us that Backspace does nothing of the sort.

最后按下退格每个舱口之间跳转,并点击孵化。Press BACKSPACE to jump between each hatch, and click that hatch.

当用户输入错误时,可以按退格键“撤销”错误的字符。When a user mistypes, the Backspace key "undoes" the erroneous characters.

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按退格键可删除插入点之前的字符。Pressing the backspace key deletes the character before the insertion point.

退格符延迟大约持续0.05秒。如果OFILL设定了,则传送一个填充字符。Backspace delay lasts about0.05 seconds. If OFILL is set, one fill character is transmitted.

感觉不方便的的地方就是使用了FLASH的透明,退格键失效了。The feeling of the place is inconvenient to use the FLASH transparent, Backspace to the failure.

作为选择,你同样可以用AutoHotKey编写脚本来使回格键成为“向上”。Alternatively, you can also make Backspace go up one folder level with a handy AutoHotKey script.

要编辑快捷键,请单击相应的行,然后输入新快捷键,或按退格键清除。To edit a shortcut key, click on the corresponding row and type a new accelerator, or press backspace to clear.

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然而退格键无处不在的现实显示,渐增撤销是一个习惯行为,用户发现后会有帮助。However, the ubiquity of the Backspace key shows that incremental Undo is a learned behavior that users find to be helpful.

火狐中你可以设置退格键是返回前一页啊,还是页面向上滚动一页In Firefox, you can set your backspace to better use by getting it to either go back to the previous page or act as page up function.

我看过HTML表单,光标从一个输入字段自动移动到另一个输入字段,并使用退格键移动到上一个字段。I have seen HTML forms whereby the cursor moves from one input field to another automatically and uses backspace to move to the previous field.

即使受到监视,使用后退键或者其他明显破坏密码字符串显示和顺序的字符,都可以使偶然的攻击者无所适从。Even if monitored, a casual attacker will be stymied by the presence of backspace and other characters that apparently alter the presence or order of characters in the password string.