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常规的思考者常常拘泥于教条之中。Routine thinkers are often dogmatic.

这个医生是个真正的道学先生。The doctor is a very dogmatic puppet.

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也许你对某些问题过于固执己见。Perhaps you are too dogmatic with certain things.

怀疑让理性能反省其教条式的漫游旅程。Where it can reflect upon its dogmatic wanderings.

国家主席陈德良也是一样的调调,只是少了一点教条主义。The president, Tran Duc Luong, was only a little less dogmatic.

你得有个清醒头脑,并且谨慎判断,而不要那么固执己见。You have got to be conscious and cautious but not hugely dogmatic.

首先,你会看到,人们的行为非常教条。For starters, you might see people acting more dogmatic than usual.

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我同样也认为,民主党在有时候是自以为是、脱离群众和教条主义的。I also think my party can be smug, detached, and dogmatic at times.

南荣趎对这样教条式的说法还是不能完全领会。Nanrong Chu couldn't understand completely the dogmatic instruction.

和这种刻板、教条的男人生活在一起,不昏昏欲睡才怪呢?And stereotypes, dogmatic men live together, not sleepy just strange?

最后,理性主义者在断言时总带些武断性的气质。The rationalist finally will be of dogmatic temper in his affirmations.

他们用教条的信仰让人们变得盲目,无休无止地消费产品。They blind people with dogmatic beliefs and neverending consuming products.

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一个对待科技非常教条的方法就是一定要花不必花的钱。A dogmatic approach to technology is a surefire way to spend money unnecessarily.

这个夫人就是文学教条主义,不懈的说教工作的核心。The Lady is at the dogmatic heart of this relentlessly didactic work of literature.

这个夫人就是文学教条主义,不懈的说教工作的核心。The Lady is at the dogmatic heart of this relentlessly didactic work of literature.

教学是一种艺术,是一种“法无定法”的与人沟通的艺术。Teaching is an art, an art of communication with no dogmatic ways of implementation.

高迪是个独断的混球,他从不听别人叙述,即使是娱乐。Gordy was a dogmatic pain in the arse. And he never could listen. Entertaining, though.

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詹姆斯·利塞特先生和莫尔森先生跟着也来了,两个人都是面孔通红、意见专横的乡绅。Mr James Lycett and Mr Molson came next, both red-faced squires with dogmatic opinions.

詹姆斯·利塞特先生和莫尔森先生跟着也来了,两个人都是面孔通红、意见专横的乡绅。Mr. James Lycett and Mr. Molson came next, both red-faced squires with dogmatic opinions.

华盛顿的金融机构曾因它们教条的处方而声名狼藉。Washington's financial institutions were once notorious for their dogmatic prescriptions.