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他在军需部门。He's in the quartermaster corps.

硬汉团杀身成仁我牢记。Hard Corps is the only way I know.

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我是一名海军军团的暗码破解员。I was a code breaker for the Navy corps.

我是一名海军军团的密码破解员。I were a code breaker for the Navy corps.

登山是一种培养集体精神的极好训练。Climbing is a good exercise for sprit do corps.

没为志愿团服务或工作的要。No need for the service corps or voluntary work.

也许确实如此。市场会考验互益性公司。Perhaps so. B Corps will be tested in the market.

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运输队是步兵的辅助部队。The transport corps is ancillary to the infantry.

纪念一战中澳洲的第一次重大军事行动的节日。Anzac Day -- Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.

我的、你的、大家的海军陆战队!My corps ! your corps ! our corps ! maring corps !

我的陆战队!你的陆战队!我们的陆战队!海军陆战队!My corps ! your corps ! our corps ! maring corps !

他穿著绿色的空军制服,帅气但愤怒。He was in a green army air corps uniform. Handsome.

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一队医生来给新兵打防疫针。A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits.

美国海军陆战队提供了坦克和旋翼飞机。Marine Corps tanks and rotary-wing aircraft provided.

陆军和海军陆战队在战场上有80套系统。The Army and Marine Corps have 80 systems in theater.

像和平队或耶稣会志愿者之类的。like maybe the Peace Corps or Jesuit Volunteer Corps.

马法五的第四十军、三十军都是强的。Both the 40th and 30th corps under Ma Fawu were strong.

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1918年以前,皇家征天军团一直是陆军的一部分。The Royal Flying Corps was part of the army until 1918.

我们将因他违抗命令而把他开除出部队。We shall drum him out of the corps for insubordination.

他穿著绿色的空军制服,帅气但愤怒。He was in a green army air corps uniform.Handsome.Angry.