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请把袋子扛到我的房间来。Garry the bag up to my room, please.

然后实验压服他加里老板出售这些衣服。Garry then tried to persuade his boss to sell these clothes.

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克里姆林宫还禁止前国际象棋冠军卡斯帕罗夫进行在杜马进行选举。It also barred Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion, from running for the Duma.

我总是想茱莉和加里就是我童话中的教父和教母,而“公主日记”就是我的舞会。I will always think of Julie and Garry as my fairy godparents, and The Princess Diaries as my ball.

前国际像棋冠军卡斯帕罗夫和前俄罗斯总理卡西亚诺夫说,他们没有收到参加会议的邀请。Former chess champion Garry Kasparov and former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov say they were not invited.

1917年加雷的实验对阐明这些心律失常的机制带来了新的曙光。An experiment that sheds a great deal of light on the mechanism of these arrhythmias was described in 1917 by Garry.

如果我从取景器中看到了熟悉的东西,我都会采取措施改变一下.If I saw something in my viewfinder that looked familiar to me, I would do something to shake it up. – Garry Winogrand

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依靠阿德巴约的点球一度令主队领先,但是奥康诺在下半场三分钟便扳平了比分。Emmanuel Adebayor put the home side ahead from the penalty spot but Garry O'Connor levelled three minutes after the break.

据报道,菲尔兹为布拉德·格雷工作时,为赢得对盖瑞·山德林和制片人博·曾加的诉讼,曾雇佣佩里加诺。Fields reportedly hired Pellicano when working for Brad Grey as he fought lawsuits from Garry Shandling and producer Bo Zenga.

在1996年,IBM的“深蓝”计算机成为有史以来成为赢过卫冕世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫一盘棋的首部计算机。In 1996, IBM's Deep Blue became the first machine ever to win even a single game against the reigning world champion, Garry Kasparov.

此外,由于拉乌尔只向病人询问了非常普遍和常见的症状,加里认为这一结果可能是由随机的身体变化造成的。Additionally, since Raoult only askedabout very general, common symptoms, Garry believes that the resultsmight be within random variation.

五年前,一部叫“深蓝”的电脑不仅击垮了当时的世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫,而且还重挫了他的锐气。Five years ago, a chess-playing computer called Deep Blue not only beat but thoroughly humbled Garry Kasparov, the world champion at that time.

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他们保存有俱乐部首席执行官和特为兹的顾问之间的电子邮件通讯,其内容是关于一项新合同的谈判。They have saved emails between the club chief executive Garry Cook and Tevez's advisor, Kia Joorabchian, to prove they were pushing for a new deal.

曼彻斯特警察局局长助理加里·舍万说,“没有任何意义上的不公平,也没有什么‘火花’引起骚乱。”Manchester assistant chief constable Garry Shewan said, "There is nothing in a sense of injustice and there has been no spark that has led to this."

家知道,我的老朋友和新同行骆家辉先生刚刚当上新一届联邦政府的商务部长。As we all know, my old friend, as well as new counterpart, Mr. Garry Locke has just been appointed Commerce Secretary of the new federal administration.

苏格兰南部的一名教师盖里鲍林目前正在撰写一本讲述“沃耶泰克”事迹的书,苏格兰当地也兴起了呼吁修建沃耶泰克纪念雕像的运动。Now a teacher from southern Scotland, Garry Paulin, is writing a book about the bear and a campaign has started to have Voytek's life commemorated in a statue.

湖人的官方发言人约翰布莱克说他接到加索尔经纪人的电话,但是总经理库普切克和队医加里都不知道具体的伤情。Lakers spokesman John Black said he received a call from Gasol's agent, but as neither Mitch Kupchak or trainer Garry Vitti knew anything about the potential injury.

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罗伯特·奥特曼总是在其影片中均选用一线明星出演的做法正是出于这一原因,而且这种传统做法仍在盖瑞·马歇尔的多线情节的浪漫戏剧片中延续。Robert Altman made a point of filling his ensemble films with A-listers for that very reason, and the tradition continues in Garry Marshall’s multi-strand romantic comedies.

盖瑞·温诺格兰德,小野洋子,雅克·维勒特莱,维托·阿孔奇——他们的作品是精明和国际化的,这种广阔的国际化视野也是展览的关键力量。Garry Winogrand, Yoko Ono, Jacques de la Villeglé, Vito Acconci—the range of works is savvy and international, and this expansive world view is the exhibition’s key strength.

小猫波利是由加里-马什和他的妻子琼上周末从一个救援中心收养的,在和新宠物亲密相处了三天后,他们注意到了这个标志。Garry Marsh and wife Joan adopted Polly from a local cat rescue centre last weekend. But it was only as they admired their new pet's colouring three days later that they noticed the marks.