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葡萄酒开始发酵了。The wine is beginning to ferment.

它们虽没有变腐但的确发酵了。They will not putrefy but rather ferment.

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然后你放着它们不管,让它们发酵。Then you walkaway from it and let it ferment.

它可以把一段感情酝酿到惊心动魄。It may ferment soul- stirringly section of sentiments.

经由人工采摘,在不锈钢桶内恒温发酵21天。Hand-picking, ferment in stainless steel barrel for 21 days.

选取酶活最高的菌株进行发酵条件的研究。Study the ferment condition of the highest enzymic activity strain.

软木粉脱模剂溶液易于变质或发酵。Cork mold spray solutions have a tendency to deteriorate or ferment.

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研究了以红麻亚铵法制浆废液为原料生产饲料酵母的可行性。The feed yeast was produced by the ferment Geotrichum candidum AS 2.

小曲是生产小曲酒的糖化发酵剂。Xiaoqu is the saccharifying ferment for the production of Xiaoqu liquor.

将香蕉泥与牛奶调配接种乳酸菌发酵制成凝固型香蕉酸牛乳。Inoculate lactic acid funguses ferment in the mixture of banana and milk.

制作酸奶用的细菌会发酵牛奶中的糖并制成酸。Yogurt-producing bacteria ferment the sugars in milk and produce an acid.

盖上湿布进行基本发酵至面团两倍大。Cover with a damp towel and allow the dough to ferment until double in bulk.

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可溶性纤维和发酵产生短链脂肪酸称为丁酸?。Ferment soluble fiber and produce a short-chain fatty acid called butyric acid?

将树皮原料等碾碎,浸泡,发酵,打浆,加入树糊调成浆。Squash, dunk, ferment and beat the white materials. Mix them with the wood mash.

稻壳用于回糠制酒,粮渣是畜禽精饲料。The rice huck is reused in the ferment. The residue is used as the livestock feed.

如果真有人把菌类放到茶叶里,让它发酵的话,那他造出来的将是一种致癌物质。Indeed, if tea does ferment and fungus grows, a carcinogenic substance is produced.

研究了雀稗麦角菌产麦角碱发酵条件。The paper studied ferment condition of Claviceps paspali to producing ergot alkali.

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对产麦角碱雀稗麦角菌的发酵培养基进行了研究。The paper studied ferment condition of Claviceps paspali to producing ergot alkali.

这是永生的贿赂,血液的美酒,酵素的沸腾。It is the bribe for living the champagne of the blood the effervescence of the ferment.

1628年8月10日,当这艘船准备首次出航时,斯德哥尔摩沉浸在激动的气氛中。As she was prepared of her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment.