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灯泡已烧断了。Turn on the light bulb.

灯泡的价格急降。The price of a bulb plunged.

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从我这个死球。Right me from this dead bulb.

灯泡在墙上闪烁。The bulb winked at the walls.

用颜料把一盏灯的灯泡涂黑。Blacking a lamp bulb by paint.

由球根生长成的植物。A plant that grows from a bulb.

那盏灯必要100瓦的灯胆。The lamp needs a 100-watt bulb.

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那个灯泡很亮。That electric bulb is very bright.

安装灯泡和插座于灯外壳上。I screwed the bulb into the socket.

这儿有一个20瓦灯泡。There is a 20-watt light bulb here.

使用双端卤素灯炮。Complete with double ended HQI Bulb.

怎样才能使小灯炮亮起来?If you want to make a bulb light up.

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无罩灯泡发出耀眼的光芒。Light glared from the unshaded bulb.

鳞茎近圆球形,硕大。Bulb nearly spherical shape, gigantic.

有膜皮的,有鳞片的,如洋葱球的茎。Having a tunic, as the bulb of an onion.

这些用了一个高亮的小灯泡来表识。These are notated with a light bulb icon.

他将灯泡拧进了灯头里。He screwed the light bulb into the socket.

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它有一个白色的灯泡和一个白色的灯罩。It has a white bulb and a white lampshade.

浴室里的灯泡烧坏了。The light bulb in the bathroom burned out.

如果用投影仪,要拿个备用的球茎。If it’s your projector, carry a spare bulb.