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组织文件可对这些事项作出规定。The constitutive institution may provide for these matters.

提出了一个新的假塑性流体的本构方程。A new constitutive equation of pseudoplastic fluids are presented.

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土的本构关系研究是土力学的核心内容。Constitutive relationship of soil plays a key role in soil mechanics.

对AZ80镁合金的本构模型进行优化整理。The constitutive model was neatened and optimized of AZ80 magnesium alloy.

意图性是话语层翻译的七项建构标准之一。Intentionality is one of the seven constitutive rules in textual translation.

交易对手风险也在部分结构性产品中凸现。The transaction match risk also in reliefs in the partial constitutive product.

第二章是心理健康侵权责任的构成要件。Chapter two is the constitutive requirements of tort liability of mental health.

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在6个通常的叙述之中,一被一个构成的位置能敏捷地藉着变化。Among 6 common sayings, one by one constitutive location can nimbly by the change.

以二阶流体构建它的本构方程,得到了速度分布和温度断面图的数值结果。The constitutive equation of the fluid is modeled by that for a second grade fluid.

VWF持续性非刺激的释放一直被称为“构成性”分泌。The continuous unstimulated release of VWF has been termed "constitutive" secretion.

本文分析了森林的高频有效导磁率和有效介电常数。The effective constitutive parameters of forests at high frequency range is analyzed.

本文用本构模型研究了孔压系数。In this paper pore pressure coefficients were studied using various constitutive models.

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本文应用几种土工格栅试验结果验证了所提出的本构模型。Experimental results on several geogrids were employed to evaluate the constitutive model.

符合构成要件的行为,在通常情况下具有违法性。The act according with constitutive requirements has illegality under common circumstance.

在突变体中过量表达野生型的NTRC可以恢复突变体表型。Constitutive expression of wild-type NTRC in mutant transgenic lines rescued this phenotype.

康德的先验哲学属于一种特殊类型的“建构性”的基础主义。Kant's transcendental philosophy belongs to a special type of "constitutive" foundationalism.

本文建立了考虑上述诸因素的土的二维动力本构新模型。A new dynamic constitutive relation of soil is built up to consider these factors of influence.

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第一,如何确定国际正义的原则和规范的构成的自为者?First, how to define what is constitutive of the principles and norms of international justice?

本文讨论了拟弹性材料的本构关系和热力学关系。The constitutive and thermodynamic relations of quasi-elastic body are considered here as well.

研究了武汉地区高压缩性黏土弹塑性本构模型。The elastoplastic constitutive relation of high compressibility clay in Wuhan was investigated.