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“四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。That word is a recent coinage.

银币一再用铜币维隆来替代,实行贬值。The silver coinage was repeatedly debased with copper vellon.

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有时商店里因为没有足够的硬币而使用一些代用币。Sometimes stores used certain toke because there was a shortage of actual coinage.

金本位制度的最基本形式包括发行含金的铸币.In its most basic form, the gold standard involves the issuance of coinage in gold.

十进制后的几年,英国的硬币也相应发生了一些变化。In the years since decimalisation a number of changes have been made to the coinage.

铜币和银鹿币是七国最常运用的标准货币。Coppers and silver stags are the standard coinage used by most of the Seven Kingdoms.

在中国方孔钱中,我相信清代的乾隆通宝是最常见的。Chien Lung Tung Pao is the most common standard cash in the history of the Chinese coinage.

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如果做为权威的话,“全球语言监测公司”说是新词就是新词吗?And by what authority does the Global Language Monitor say a new coinage is a genuine new word?

此枚纪念章为铜质镀金,直径50毫米,造币工艺制造。This gold-plated copper commemorative medallion with a diameter of 50mm is made with coinage technique.

诸如元素铜、银和金等所谓的货币金属,有时被与碱金属一同看待。The elements such as copper, sliver and gold, the so-called coinage metals , are sometimes treated with the alkalis.

明代铸钱总体来说是“足国”与“便民”两者兼顾,不同时期侧重点又有所不同。Although the coinage of copper in Ming Dynasty generally met these two needs, its focus differed in different phases.

在第一次国内革命战争爆发的时候,政府下令收回所有的金币,并代之以纸币。On the outbreak of the First Revolutionary Civil War, the Government called in all gold coinage and replaced it by notes.

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祝晓峰的“假云”一词由假山而来,后者指传统中国园林的假山石。The coinage of Xiaofeng Zhu's Cloudery is derived from the word rockery which refers to traditional Chinese rock gardens.

“将个人置于货币之上被认为是有悖于共和体制,因为在一个共和体制的国家里,权力在于人民,”穆德说。"To put an individual on coinage was considered very unrepublican because the people have the power in a republic, " Mudd said.

这具体表现在新词语的创造、新义项的产生、同义词语的形成等各个方面。This is demonstrated in several aspects such as the coinage of new words, expressions and new meanings, the formation of synonyms.

天津造币厂官员在模具雕刻完成后,理解到用铁来造币是不现实的。The Tientsin mint officials, after having the die for this coin engraved, became convinced of the impracticality of an iron coinage.

此套纪念章为铜质镀金,造币工艺制造,规格为直径45毫米,共2枚。This commemorative medallion set includes 2 pieces, each made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 45mm with coinage technology.

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此套纪念章共5枚,材质为铜质镀金,规格为花形直径35毫米,造币工艺制造。This commemorative medallion set includes 5 pieces, each made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 35mm with coinage technology.

此套纪念章共5枚,材质为铜质镀金,规格为直径40毫米,造币工艺制造。This commemorative medallion set includes 5 pieces, each made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 40mm with coinage technology.

此套纪念章共6枚,材质为铜质镀金,规格为直径30毫米,造币工艺制造。This commemorative medallion set includes 6 pieces, each made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 30mm with coinage technology.