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一个边长为60英尺的正方形金库房或是一艘大型油轮就可以存放所有的黄金。All of it could be stored in a vault 60 feet square ,or a supertanker

这就像是一艘搁浅在北京的美国式消费油轮。It looks like a supertanker of American consumerism has run aground in the city.

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索马里海盗抢夺并掌控住载满2万桶原油的超级油轮。Somalian pirates gain control of a supertanker with 2 million barrels of crude oil.

沙特超级油轮「天狼星号」被非洲索马里的海盗骑劫,一直停泊于索马里海岸。Saudi supertanker hijacked by Somali pirates has been anchored off the Somali coast.

美国经济就像一艘超级油轮,即使海面风平浪静,想要改变航向还是很缓慢。The American economy is like a supertanker that, even in calm waters, changes direction very slowly.

韩国军舰正在寻求解救在印度洋被索马里海盗劫持的一艘句型油轮。South Korean warship is pursuing a supertanker which was hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.

韩国军舰正在寻求解救在印度洋被索马里海盗劫持的一艘句型油轮。A South Korean warship is pursuing a supertanker which was hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.

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一周前,一艘巨型油轮在索马里海岸遭到绑架,这引起了对海事犯罪新的关注。The hijacking a week ago of an oil supertanker from off the coast of Kenya has brought new attention to the maritime criminals.

四月十七号在伊斯坦布尔举行的一次公共会议上,巴拉克•奥巴玛争辩说与其说美国像一艘高速游艇,不如说它是一艘巨型油轮。DURING a public meeting in Istanbul on April 7th Barack Obama argued that the American ship of state is more like a supertanker than a speedboat.

美国长青超过747超级油轮喷洒在Ein荷德燃烧面积在海法郊外森林中的卡梅尔上二○一○年十二月五日阻燃剂。US Evergreen 747 supertanker sprays fire retardant over a burning area in Ein Hod in the Carmel Forest in the outskirts of Haifa on December 5, 2010.

“中国是如此的庞大以至于任何变化产生的见效都要比小国家来的慢”,他说,“这就是超级油船和帆船之间的区别。”“China's so enormous that any shift like this is going to take longer than in a smaller country,” he said. “It's the difference between a supertanker and a sailboat.

星期三午夜过后,日本一艘重达26万吨的超大型油轮驶过阿曼与伊朗之间的平静水域时遇袭,不管是什么袭击了它,绝不可能是巨浪。Whatever it was that shook a 260,000-ton Japanese supertanker as it sailed through calm waters between Oman and Iran just after midnight Wednesday, it was not a freak wave.

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在索马里沿岸还有将近400人质和19艘船只扣押在海盗手中,其中包括载有200万桶原油的沙特超级油轮和载有33辆主战坦克的沙特货船。Nearly 400 people and 19 ships are being held along the coast, including a Saudi supertanker with 2m barrels of oil and a Ukrainian cargo ship carrying 33 military battle tanks.

在一次出海中他们瞥到一个超级油轮舰桥模拟器,那是一整面墙的监视器,可以色彩逼真地模拟一条穿过全球50个港口的路线。Once on a naval tour they got a peek at a supertanker bridge simulator, a wall of monitors that could fake the color details of a passage through 50 different harbors around the world.