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鲁塞尔还开始去尝试谱曲。Roussel also began composing.

煎熬中的我王演奏哈利路亚。The baffled king composing Hallelujah.

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巴兹尔爵士字斟句酌地说出最后一句话。Sir. basil was composing his last words.

她利用业余时间作诗。She spent her spare time composing poetry.

刘诗白教授著作等身。Liu Shibai teaches the body such as composing.

你听——它们在编织着青春的旋律。Listen, they are composing the rhythm of youth.

通过组合多个图形可以做到这一点。This can be done by composing multiple figures.

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大堰河,今天你的乳儿是在狱里。Dayanhe, your suckling is composing in prison today.

继电保护的基本原理和构成方式。Protect equip basic principle and the composing method.

研磨,捣碎用作杵和臼来制作一种牙科用混合物的过程。The composing of a dental amalgam by mortar and pestle.

当只是四岁时莫扎特就在写一些步舞曲了。When only age four, Mozart was already composing minuets.

当汤姆告诉大家他在作曲时,众人哄然大笑。People fell about when Tom told them he was composing music.

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她写严肃题材的诗歌,但也喜欢创作打油诗。She wrote serious poetry, but also loved composing limericks.

因此青主一生从事音乐的时间并不长。Therefore, the time he spent in music composing was not long.

这一部分主要是对勋伯格创作实践的分析。This part makes an analysis of Schoenberg's composing practice.

这两个人在一起吟咏作诗,相互唱酬。The two people are composing verses, using the same rhyme sequence.

在制作这辑图片时,我惊异地发现自己感动不已。When composing this entry, I was surprised to find myself so moved.

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赋诗是春秋时期一种特殊的活动和文化现象。"Allusion" is a common rhetoric device in composing poetry and prose.

从较小粒度的中介模式组合成中介流。Composing the mediation flows from smaller-grained mediation patterns.

李延年善作曲,也善改编新曲。Li Yannian was adept at composing music and revising new compositions.